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  1. Kowloon Technical School (Chinese: 九龍工業學校) is a technical secondary school founded by the Hong Kong Government in Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong near Cheung Sha Wan station. The school motto is Thorough (貫徹始終).

  2. 九龍工業學校 Kowloon Technical School. 在深青躍動計劃中,本校Student-LED Team B 組長梁晞彤(5F),透過籌備組織校內活動,培養出高階的領導才能及共通能力,表現卓越,經民政事務處遴選後,在面試中脫穎而出,獲選為本區18名代表之一,於1月31日至2月7日參加由民政事務處全額支付的「8天澳洲交流團 ...

  3. 九龍工業學校 Kowloon Technical School. 辦學宗旨:學校致力提供優良學習環境及多元化課程,讓學生潛能充分發揮,適應科技轉變與社會發展。貫徹五育並重,學生接受全人教育,確立積極的人生觀。(註:龍翔官立中學於 2022/23 學年起與九龍工業學校合併。

    • Kowloon Technical School1
    • Kowloon Technical School2
    • Kowloon Technical School3
    • Kowloon Technical School4
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  4. 九龍工業學校英語: Kowloon Technical School ,縮寫: KTS ,簡稱:九工),位於九龍 深水埗,是香港一所官立 中文中學,由港英政府於1961年創校。 因應1997年 工業中學 教育改革,該校轉為 文法中學 ,但校方選擇維持以「九龍工業學校」作為校名。

  5. The school was the first technical school in Kowloon. In 1964, it merged with Fuk Wah Street Secondary Modern School (福華街實用中學). This school provided general subjects to students. Mathematics and technical subjects were the focus in the early days.

  6. Kowloon Technical School Alumni Association - alumni & friends are welcome to join.

  7. 23 nov 2021 · The Education Bureau (EDB) announced today (November 23) that Lung Cheung Government Secondary School (LCGSS) will merge with Kowloon Technical School (KTS) starting from the 2022/23 school year.