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  1. › wiki › Wartislaw_XWartislaw X - Wikipedia

    Wartislaw X. Duke Wartislaw X of Pomerania (1435 – 17 December 1478) was the second son of Duke Wartislaw IX of Pomerania and his wife, Sophia of Saxe-Lauenburg . Wartislaw married twice.

  2. Wartislaw X. von Pommern-Wolgast (* um 1435; † 17. Dezember 1478 ) war der zweite Sohn Herzog Wartislaws IX. und Sophias von Sachsen-Lauenburg . Er war zweimal verheiratet.

  3. Vartislao I di Pomerania (anche citato come Warcisław e Wartislaw; 1100 circa – Stolpe, prima del 1148) fu duca di Pomerania dal 1106 al 1135 e capostipite della dinastia dei Greifen e primo sovrano del Ducato di Pomerania

    • Name of The Dynasty
    • Origins and Branches
    • Wartislaw I to Bogislaw IV and Otto I
    • Bogislaw IV to Bogislaw X
    • Otto I to Otto III
    • Branches
    • Griffins Kings and Queens
    • Sources
    • See Also
    • External Links

    The dynasty is known by two names, Pomerania, after their primary fief, and Griffin, after their coat of arms, which had featured a griffin since the late 12th century: the first verifiable use of the griffin as the dynasty's heraldic emblem occurred in a seal of Casimir II, Duke of Pomerania, which showed the imaginary beast within a shield, and w...

    The origins of the Griffins are not clear. Most theories derive them from either local Slavic nobility or a cadet branch of the Polish house of Piasts. Medieval Polish chronicler Jan Długosz connected them with Polish noble family of Świebodzice from the south province of Poland named the Lesser Poland, who also used a griffin as their coat-of-arms...

    Ratibor I († 1156) → Ratiborides
    Swantibor → Swantiborides

    Bogislaw IV (*1258; † 1309) ∞ (I) Mechthild († vor 1309), Daughter of John I of Brandenburg and Jutta of Saxony (II) Margareta, (Daughter of Wizlaw II of Rügen and Agnes of Brandenburg

    Otto I (* c. 1279; † 1344) ∞ Elisabeth (*1281), daughter of Gerhard II, Count of Holstein-Plön and Ingeborg of Sweden


    Members of the Ratiborides (Ratiboriden) branch were most probably descendants of Ratibor I, a brother of Wartislaw I. 1. Ratibor I 1.1. Bogislaw, ∞ (I) N.N.; (II) a daughter of Mieszko III of Poland 1.1.1. (I) Bogislaw (III), ∞ another daughter of Mieszko III of Poland 1.1.2. (II ?) Ratibor II(either half-brother of Bogislaw III or cousin)


    The Swantiborides (Swantiboriden) were related to the Griffins, but the link remains unclear. Probably they descend from Swantibor, a Pomeranian duke overthrown in a rebellion and expelled to Poland in 1105/06. This Swantibor might have been a cousin of Swantopolk, a Pomeranian duke defeated by Boleslaw III of Poland in a campaign of 1111/12. Yet, these assumptions all remain speculative. 1. Wartislaw (II) Swantiboriz (Castellan of Stettin (Szczecin) ∞ unknown wife 1.1. Bartholomäus...

    Eric of Pomerania, son of Wartislaw VII, was King of Norway (1389–1442), elected King of Denmark (1396–1439), and of Sweden (1396–1439). He was the first king of the Nordic Kalmar Union.
    Euphemia of Pomerania, daughter of Bogislaw IV, married Christopher II of Denmark and became queen of Denmark.
    Elizabeth of Pomerania, daughter of Bogislaw V, was the fourth and last wife of Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor and king of Bohemia. Her daughter Anne of Bohemia, of Luxembourg and of Pomerania beca...
    Sophie of Pomerania, daughter of Bogislaw X, married King Frederick I of Denmark and became Queen of Denmark and Norway.
    Edward Rymar: Rodowód książąt pomorskich, Szczecin 1995.
    Martin Wehrmann: Genealogie des pommerschen Fürstenhauses.Veröffentlichungen the landesgeschichtlichen Forschungsstelle für Pommern, Reihe 1, Bd. 5. Leon Saunier, Stettin 1937.
    Martin Wehrmann: Geschichte von Pommern. Weltbild Verlag 1992, Reprint der Ausgaben von 1919 und 1921, ISBN 3-89350-112-6
    Udo Madsen: Die Greifen - Das herzogliche Geschlecht von Pommern
  4. Dopo la morte di suo padre Wartislaw IX, alla fine del 1457, Eric ricevette la Pomerania-Wolgast assieme al fratello minore, Wartislaw X; essi suddivisero quindi il ducato e Wartislaw tenne per sé il Principato di Rügen (che comprendeva Rügen, Barth, Tribsees e Grimmen), mentre Eric conservò la parte orientale.

  5. › en › Wartislaw_XWartislaw X - Wikiwand

    Duke Wartislaw X of Pomerania was the second son of Duke Wartislaw IX of Pomerania and his wife, Sophia of Saxe-Lauenburg.

  6. La guerra di successione di Stettino fu un conflitto sorto tra i duchi di Pomerania e l'elettore di Brandeburgo. Esso ebbe inizio nel 1464, dopo la morte del duca Ottone III di Pomerania-Stettino senza eredi. I duchi di Pomerania-Wolfast, Eric II e Wratislav X si ritenevano i legittimi eredi di Ottone. L'elettore Federico II di ...