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  1. Thomas Chaucer (1367Ewelme, 18 novembre 1434) fu Presidente della Camera dei Comuni inglese

  2. Thomas Chaucer (c. 1367 – 18 November 1434) was an English courtier and politician. The son of the poet Geoffrey Chaucer and his wife Philippa Roet, Thomas was linked socially and by family to senior members of the English nobility, though he was himself a commoner.

  3. Sir Thopas è un nobile cavaliere nato nella Fiandre e distintosi per il prodigioso talento nella caccia. Egli brama la regina degli elfi, ma la sua ricerca viene bruscamente fermata dal gigante sir Olifaunt. Proprio mentre Chaucer si accinge a descrivere la lotta tra il cavaliere e il titanico rivale, l'oste interrompe il racconto. Commento.

  4. The Prioress' Tale. The Tale of Sir Thopas. The Tale of Melibee (You can also view a Modern English translation) The Monk's Tale. The Tale of the Nun's Priest. The Second Nun's Tale. The Tale of the Canon's Yeoman. The Manciple's Tale. The Parson's Tale.

  5. Poeta inglese nato tra il 1340 e il 1345 morto nella seconda metà del 1400 (la data 25 ottobre sulla tomba in Westminster Abbey fu posta da Nich...

  6. 1366 Death of John Chaucer, Chaucer's father. 1367 Birth of Chaucer's son, Thomas. 1367 Chaucer serves as a valettus and later as a squire in the court of Edward III; granted a payment of 20 marks per annum for life. 1368 Chaucer travels to the continent (France probably) on "the King's service."

  7. CHAUCER, Thomas (c.1367-1434), of Ewelme, Oxon. Published in The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1386-1421, ed. J.S. Roskell, L. Clark, C. Rawcliffe., 1993. Available from Boydell and Brewer.