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  1. August Karl Graf von Dönhoff-Friedrichstein (26 January 1845 – 9 September 1920) was a Prussian nobleman, diplomat and politician. Early life and ancestry. Born in Frankfurt, August Karl descended from the East Prussian branch of an ancient House of Dönhoff.

  2. August Karl Graf von Dönhoff-Friedrichstein (* 26. Januar 1845 in Frankfurt am Main ; † 9. September 1920 auf Schloss Friedrichstein (Ostpreußen) ) war ein preußischer Adliger und Politiker.

  3. Dönhoff: August Heinrich Hermann Graf von D., preußischer Diplomat, geboren am 10. October 1797 zu Potsdam, † am 1. April 1874, war der Sohn des Grafen August Friedrich Philipp v. D. († am 7. Mai 1838) und der Gräfin D., geb. Gräfin Pauline v. Lehndorff-Steinort († am 2. März 1813).

  4. › wiki › DönhoffDönhoff – Wikipedia

    Dönhoff ist der Name eines alten westfälischen Adelsgeschlechts aus der Grafschaft Mark, das sich über das Baltikum nach Polen und Preußen ausgebreitet hat.

  5. › wiki › DönhoffDönhoff - Wikipedia

    The House of Dönhoff (Polish: Denhoff, sometimes also Doenhoff) was an old and influential German noble family, which later also became part of the Polish nobility. History. It was first mentioned in 1282, in the County of Mark in Westphalia. Their original seat was Dönhof near Witten which remained in the family until 1463.

  6. August Friedrich Philipp Graf von Dönhoff (* 22. Mai 1763 in Königsberg; † 7. Mai 1838 in Friedrichstein) war ein preußischer Oberst und Flügeladjutant, Oberhofmarschall, Landhofmeister.

  7. August Heinrich Hermann von Dönhoff (10 October 1797 in Potsdam – 1 April 1874 at Friedrichstein Palace (East Prussia)) was a Prussian diplomat. Career. Dönhoff participated as a volunteer in the campaign of 1815, studied in Königsberg, Göttingen and Heidelberg in 1816-1819 and then travelled to Italy.