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  1. Anna di Świdnica (cecoslovacco: Anna Svídnická, polacco: Anna Świdnicka, tedesco: Anna von Schweidnitz und Jauer; Świdnica, 1339 – Praga, 11 luglio 1362) fu regina di Boemia, regina dei Romani e imperatrice del Sacro Romano Impero come terza moglie dell'imperatore Carlo IV

  2. Anna of Schweidnitz (also known as Anne or Anna of Świdnica, Czech: Anna Svídnická, Polish: Anna Świdnicka, German: Anna von Schweidnitz und Jauer) (Świdnica, 1339 – 11 July 1362 in Prague) was Queen of Bohemia, German Queen, and Empress of the Holy Roman Empire.

  3. Anna di Świdnica fu regina di Boemia, regina dei Romani e imperatrice del Sacro Romano Impero come terza moglie dell'imperatore Carlo IV.

  4. 29 ott 2019 · Anna of Swidnica was born around 1339, as the only child of Henry II, joint-Duke of Swidnica (known as Schweidnitz in German), and his wife, Catherine. Anna’s father was the second son of Bernard, Duke of Swidnica and Kunigunde of Poland , who was in turn the daughter of Wladyslaw I, King of Poland and Hedwig of Kalisz .

  5. Dopo la morte della seconda moglie di Carlo IV, Anna di Baviera, avvenuta nel 1353, questi sposò in terze nozze la nipote di Bolko, Anna di Świdnica. Poiché Bolko non aveva figli, Anna ed i suoi successori furono destinatari per contratto dell'eredità di Bolko.

  6. Anna von Schweidnitz ( tschechisch Anna Svídnická, polnisch Anna świdnicka; * 1339; † 11. Juli 1362 in Prag) war durch Geburt Prinzessin von Schweidnitz-Jauer. Durch ihre Heirat mit Karl IV. wurde sie Königin von Böhmen, römisch-deutsche Königin und Kaiserin des Heiligen Römischen Reichs.

  7. Anna of Schweidnitz was Queen of Bohemia, German Queen, and Empress of the Holy Roman Empire. She was the third wife of Emperor Charles IV.