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  1. 15 mar 2024 · Polytechnic Secondary School Templin (1961–) Extended Secondary School Templin (–1973) Leipzig University (Diplom, physics, 1973–1978) Academy of Sciences of the GDR (1986, doctor rerum naturalium)

  2. Unsere Mission: Eine Schule für Europäerinnen und Europäer von Morgen. SCHULE » Unsere Motivation: Ein lebendiges „Europa im Kleinen“ EUROPA » Unser Fahrplan: 2029 gehts los. TEMPLIN » Lernen Sie uns kennen!

  3. A School for Tomorrow’s Europeans. SCHOOL » Our motivation: To live “Europe in miniature” EUROPE » Our plan: We start in 2029. TEMPLIN » Get to know us! Our team consists of an ambitious board, people determined to put visions into practice, and the best experts in the field of school education.

  4. The polytechnic secondary school, officially ten-class general educational polytechnic secondary school, abbreviation POS, pronounced P-O-S, was the standard type of school in the school system of East Germany. The POS was established in 1959 to replace the hitherto existing Grundschule.

  5. 2 dic 2016 · A school for made in Italy excellence. A place to train useful people, or rather indispensable people to grow “hi tech luxury”, that original blend of sophisticated creativity and new digital technology that lies at the heart of the success of the finest Italian industries.

  6. 15 dic 2023 · The ASP – Alta Scuola Politecnica selects each year 150 exceptionally talented and motivated students among the applicants to the Laurea Magistrale (LM) programs in Architecture, Design, and Engineering at Politecnico di Milano (90 students) and Politecnico di Torino (60 students).

  7. Angela Dorothea Merkel, jaiotzez Angela Dorothea Kasner ( Hanburgo, 1954ko uztailaren 17a) alemaniar politikaria da, CDUko kidea. Alemaniako kantzilerra izan zen 2005eko azaroaren 22tik 2021eko abenduaren 8ra arte. Alemaniako lehenengo emakumezko kantzilerra izan zen. Munduko emakumerik boteretsuena zela iritzi zuen Forbes aldizkariak 2019an.