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  1. Shimon ben Hillel (ebraico: שמעון בן הלל) (Israele, I secolo – ...) è stato un rabbino ebreo antico, rinomato saggio, figlio di Hillel il Vecchio (I secolo e.v.). Quando suo padre morì, preso il suo posto come Nasi (Capo del Sinedrio).

  2. Shimon or Simeon ben Hillel was the son of Hillel the Elder. Little is known about him. When Hillel died, Shimon may have taken over his place as the Nasi of the Sanhedrin, as is implied by a passage in the Talmud. [1] Simeon was the father of Gamaliel I, and grandfather of Simeon ben Gamaliel, [2] who may have been his namesake.

  3. Shimon ben Hillel è stato un rabbino ebreo antico, rinomato saggio, figlio di Hillel il Vecchio.

  4. The great-grandson of Hillel the Elder, he was considered to be a direct descendant of King David. He was a contemporary of the high priests Ḥanan ben Ḥanan and Yehoshua ben Gamla. He is one of the Ten Martyrs mentioned in Jewish liturgy.

  5. Hillel (Hebrew: הִלֵּל Hīllēl; variously called Hillel the Elder, Hillel the Great, or Hillel the Babylonian; died c. 10 CE) was a Jewish religious leader, sage and scholar associated with the development of the Mishnah and the Talmud and the founder of the House of Hillel school of tannaim.

  6. 7 feb 2021 · Raban Shimon ben Hillel, President of the Sanhedrin. Hebrew: רבן שמעון בן הלל הנשיא, נשיא הסנהדרין. Also Known As: "Shimon Hanasi", "Eighteenth Generation to RASHI", "Simon". Birthdate: estimated between 80 BCE and 20 BCE. Death: circa 20. Died in Jerusalen in the year 9 or 20 CE.

  7. Eventually, Hillel became the Nasi (Hagigah 2:2) (from 30 BCE-20 CE), as did his son (Shimon), grandson (Gamliel), and great-grandson (Shimon ben Gamliel). It helped that Hillel was a descendant of King David.