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  1. Line in the sand is an idiom, a metaphorical (sometimes literal) point beyond which no further advance will be accepted or made. Related terms include unilateral boundary setting, red lines and ultimatums to define clear consequences if a line is crossed.

  2. Traduzione di "line in the sand" in italiano. Sostantivo. linea nella sabbia. linea sulla sabbia. linea di confine. linea di demarcazione. linea di sabbia. linea invalicabile. Mostrare più. Paulson has drawn a line in the sand. Paulson ha tracciato una linea nella sabbia. There's no line in the sand here. Non c'è una linea nella sabbia qui.

  3. line in the sand. Meaning. a boundary beyond which one cannot proceed without consequences. a set limit which has to be adhered to strictly by someone. Example Sentences. His resolve to either get a paid internship or drop out of school was his line in the sand. She drew a line in the sand when she asked David to choose between her and his job.

  4. The idiom "line in the sand" refers to a point of no return, a boundary that cannot be crossed, or a decision that has been made and cannot be changed. It is used to describe a situation where someone has taken a stance and is unwilling to back down, even if it means facing consequences.

  5. The phrase “line in the sand” refers to a boundary or limit that one sets for themselves or others. It represents a point beyond which one cannot go without facing consequences. This idiom has been used in various contexts throughout history, from politics to sports to personal relationships.

  6. line in the sand - Traduzione del vocabolo e dei suoi composti, e discussioni del forum.

  7. draw a line in the sand. To establish a figurative boundary that someone or some group refuses to cross or beyond which no further advance or compromise is accepted. I don't mind my roommate being a bit messy, but leaving dirty dishes for me to clean up is where I draw a line in the sand!