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  1. 21 mar 2023 · Christ showed by His resurrection that He has the power to conquer death and ultimately to provide true life to all who believe in Him. This knowledge was more valuable to Paul than anything else in life.

    • First Reference to Jesus’ Resurrection
    • “Destroy This Temple”
    • Disciples Didn’T Understand About Jesus’ Coming Resurrection
    • “I Am The Resurrection and The Life”
    • Sealing and Guarding The Tomb
    • Unprepared For The Impossible
    • The Impact of Jesus’ Resurrection on The Church
    • What Is The Importance of Jesus’ Resurrection For Us?
    • GeneratedCaptionsTabForHeroSec

    So where does the Bible first refer to Jesus’ resurrection? The plan of God, which included both Jesus’ death and resurrection, was actually in place before the creation of man (Revelation 13:8). Still, it is obvious from biblical history that men had a very limited understanding of that plan. In one sense, we can see the first prophecy of Jesus’ r...

    Early in Jesus’ ministry He went to Jerusalem, and we find the first recorded time He referred to His resurrection. He had driven the money changers and merchants out of the temple courts, and the religious authorities were upset and demanded to know by what authority He did this. “So the Jews answered and said to Him, ‘What sign do You show to us,...

    Jesus continued to teach His disciples about His coming resurrection, but for a while they failed to really understand. In fairness to them, they did not yet have God’s Spirit residing in them. And what about us? How many times have we read over certain scriptures and failed to fully grasp what they were saying? “And He began to teach them that the...

    One of Jesus’ last teachings regarding resurrection occurred not long before His crucifixion and resurrection. This teaching was coupled with a miracle Jesus performed by raising His friend Lazarus from the dead. Prior to bringing Lazarus back to life, Jesus told Lazarus’ sister Martha, “Your brother will rise again . . . I am the resurrection and ...

    Over the next few days, all the things Jesus had been predicting actually came to pass. He was arrested, turned over to the gentile authorities, brutalized and crucified. In most cases that would have been the end of a leader’s movement—followers would quickly lose heart and disperse back to their homes, and life would go on as if nothing had happe...

    In spite of all of Jesus’ teaching, in spite of His assurances that He would rise at the end of three days and three nights, the disciples were still not prepared for what took place. Let’s look at Luke’s account of the resurrection: “Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, and certain other women with them, came to the t...

    What impact did the fact of Jesus’ resurrection have on the early Church? The book of Acts shows how the disciples were witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection and how they preached it powerfully to the world. “And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all” (Acts 4:33; see also 1:21...

    Considering all this, let’s conclude by looking at seven essential biblical beliefs that have their foundation in the resurrection of Jesus. 1. The resurrection proves Jesus was exactly who and what He said He was. The disciples saw the fact that God had raised Jesus from the dead to eternal life as God’s seal of approval—God’s backing of everythin...

    Learn how Jesus' resurrection fulfilled God's plan, defeated Satan and gave eternal life to believers. Explore the biblical prophecies, teachings and events related to Jesus' resurrection and its impact on the early Church.

  2. 5 mag 2022 · The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most powerful event in human history. It proves that Jesus conquered sin and death and gives us new life, forgiveness, and hope in God.

    • Josie Siler
  3. Paul expresses his desire to know Christ and the power of His resurrection, which is the main subject of the first apostolic preaching. He also mentions the fellowship of His sufferings and the conformity to His death, as part of the Christian life.

  4. 20 ago 2019 · The reason the resurrection has explosive power in our lives now is the same reason it had explosive power in the life of Jesus on Good Friday. In his case, the hope of resurrection was the joy that held him to the cross.

  5. 31 mar 1991 · John Piper preaches on how the resurrection of Jesus satisfies six of our deepest needs and longings, such as forgiveness, victory, and hope. He argues that the resurrection is the power of God to glorify himself and to satisfy our souls.

  6. 4 apr 2015 · The resurrection gives us hope for a future life with our Savior. But for me, the resurrection gives me hope in every hopeless situation. You see, Christ is all about life and hope and a beautiful future (Jeremiah 29:11).