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  1. 1 giorno fa · Another cast member, Cindy Vela, was molested when she was a young girl. That trauma she carried led her to overeat. She eventually lost 241 pounds. In The Needle and The Damage Done, Neil sings, "every junkie's like the setting sun," but not always. Some addicts overcome their problems. When they do, it's very powerful, like the sun rising.

  2. 3 giorni fa · He is romantically involved with model and actress Cindy Vela, a partnership that has endured since 2014. Sarah Sutherland, Kiefer’s daughter, has followed in her family’s footsteps, carving out her own space in the entertainment industry as an actress.

  3. 5 giorni fa · Cindy Vela, Kiefer Sutherland's wife, is a television personality and actress. This occupation has played a significant role in her life and in her relationship with Sutherland. As a television personality, Vela has a public platform that has allowed her to connect with a wide audience.

  4. 1 giorno fa · Another actress, Cindy Vela, was molested when she was a young girl. The trauma she endured led her to overeat. In the end, he lost 241 kilos. In Needle and damage doneNeil sings, “Every junkie is like a setting sun” but not always. Some addicts can overcome their problems. When they do, it’s very powerful, like the sun rising.

  5. 1 giorno fa · Otra integrante del elenco, Cindy Vela, fue abusada sexualmente cuando era una niña. Ese trauma que llevaba la llevó a comer en exceso. Finalmente perdió 241 libras. En La aguja y el daño hechoNeil canta, “Todo drogadicto es como el sol poniente”. pero no siempre. Algunos adictos superan sus problemas.

  6. 20 ore fa · clicca qui per aggiornare la diretta live perchÉ jacobs oggi non corre nei 100 metri il programma completo e gli italiani in gara oggi (7 giugno) 14.15:

  7. 1 giorno fa · Run Hide Fight (Drama) USA/2020 am 07.06.2024 um 13:20 Uhr im TV-PROGRAMM: alle Infos, alle Sendetermine