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  1. Cinema International Corporation (CIC) was a film distribution company started by Paramount Pictures and Universal Pictures in the early 1970s to distribute the two studios' films outside the United States – it even operated in Canada before it was considered part of the "domestic" market.

  2. La Cinema International Corporation, nota anche come CIC era una casa di distribuzione cinematografica statunitense fondata negli anni '70 dalla Paramount Pictures e dalla Universal Studios per distribuire i film da loro prodotti al di fuori degli Stati Uniti.

  3. 10 mag 2024 · Cinema International Corporation (CIC) was a film distribution company founded by Paramount Pictures and Universal Pictures in April 9, 1970 to distribute the two studios' films outside the United States, as a response to declining movie-going audiences and national anti-trust laws.

    • Storia
    • Caratteristiche
    • Bibliografia

    Il cinema venne costruito dal 1961 al 1963 come parte del secondo lotto della Karl-Marx-Allee, esteso fra Alexanderplatz e Strausberger Platz. Gli architetti, Josef Kaiser e Heinz Aust, avevano già progettato pochi anni prima il cinema Kosmos, anch'esso sulla stessa strada.

    Il cinema è posto in corrispondenza dell'incrocio della Karl-Marx-Allee con la Schillingstraße, e costituisce pertanto il fondale prospettico di quest'ultima, unitamente al retrostante – e ben più alto – Hotel Berolina (demolito nel 1995 e sostituito da un edificio di forme simili che ospita il municipio di Mitte). Insieme al ristorante Moskau, sul...


    1. Lorenzo Spagnoli, Berlino. XIX e XX secolo, Bologna, Zanichelli, 1993, p. 242, ISBN 88-08-14174-8. 2. (DE) Joachim Schulz e Werner Gräber, Architekturführer DDR. Berlin, 3ª ed., Berlino (Est), VEB Verlag für Bauwesen, 1981, p. 55, ISBN non esistente. 3. (DE) Joachim Schulz e Werner Gräber, Berlin. Architektur von Pankow bis Köpenick, Berlino (Est), VEB Verlag für Bauwesen, 1987, p. 59, ISBN 3-345-00145-4. 4. (DE) Martin Wörner, Doris Mollenschott, Karl-Heinz Hüter e Paul Sigel, Architektur...

    Testi di approfondimento

    1. (DE) Josef Kaiser, Filmtheater "International", Berlin, Karl-Marx-Allee, in Deutsche Architektur, vol. 13, n. 1, 1964, pp. 24-31, ISSN 0323-3413(WC · ACNP). 2. (DE) Dietrich Worbs, Das Kino International in Berlin, Berlino, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 2015, ISBN 978-3-7861-2711-6.

  4. Cinema International Corporation (CIC) was a film distribution company started by Paramount Pictures and Universal Studios on April 9, 1970 to distribute the two studios' films outside the United States, as a response to declining movie-going audiences and national anti-trust laws.

  5. The organisation currently brings together more than 1,000 French cinema and TV content professionals (producers, talents, agents, sales companies, etc.) working together to promote French films and TV programmes among foreign audiences, industry executives and media.

  6. Cinema International Corporation (CIC) was a film distribution company started by Paramount Pictures and Universal Pictures in the early 1970s to distribute the two studios' films outside the United States – it even operated in Canada before it was considered part of the "domestic" market.