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  1. Hosni Mubarak è stato il capo di Stato egiziano in carica per più anni, la sua presidenza è iniziata in linea di continuità con il predecessore, ma anche con innovazioni diplomatiche e di politica economica interna.

  2. Muhammad Hosni El Sayed Mubarak [a] (Arabic: محمد حسني مبارك ‎; 4 May 1928 – 25 February 2020) was an Egyptian politician and military officer who served as the fourth president of Egypt from 1981 to 2011. Before he entered politics, Mubarak was a career officer in the Egyptian Air Force.

  3. Hosni Mubarak è stato presidente egiziano. È nato nel 1928 a Kafru I-Musilha. È stato fra i maggiori fautori, all'interno del mondo arabo, di una riconciliazione con l'occidente e di una risoluzione di pace con Israele, riconosciuto tra i più stretti alleati di Washington e fra i più efficaci e tenaci mediatori tra palestinesi e israeliani.

    • Overview
    • Military career and presidency
    • Post-presidency

    Hosni Mubarak (born May 4, 1928, Al-Minūfiyyah governorate, Egypt—died February 25, 2020, Cairo) Egyptian military officer and politician who served as president of Egypt from October 1981 until February 2011, when popular unrest forced him to step down.

    Born in the Nile River delta, Mubarak graduated from the Egyptian military academy at Cairo (1949) and the air academy at Bilbays (1950), receiving advanced flight and bomber training in the Soviet Union. He held command positions in the Egyptian air force and from 1966 to 1969 was director of the air academy. In 1972 Pres. Anwar Sadat appointed Mubarak chief commander of the air force, and in this capacity he was credited with the successful performance of the Egyptian air force in the opening days of the war with Israel in October 1973. He was promoted to the rank of air marshal in 1974. In April 1975 Sadat named him vice president, and in subsequent years Mubarak was active in most of the negotiations involving Middle Eastern and Arab policy. He served as the chief mediator in the dispute between Morocco, Algeria, and Mauritania over the future of Western (Spanish) Sahara.

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    Mubarak became president following Sadat’s assassination on October 6, 1981, the anniversary of the start of the 1973 Egyptian-Israeli war. His years in office were marked by an improvement in Egypt’s relations with the other Arab countries and by a cooling of relations with Israel, especially following the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982. He reaffirmed Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel (1979) under the Camp David Accords, however, and cultivated good relations with the United States, which remained Egypt’s principal aid donor. In 1987 Mubarak was elected to a second six-year term as president. During the Persian Gulf crisis and war following Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990–91, Mubarak led other Arab states in supporting the Saudi decision to invite the aid of a U.S.-led military coalition to recover Kuwait. He also played an important role in mediating the bilateral agreement between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization that was signed in 1993.

    In January 2011 thousands of protesters—angered by repression, corruption, and poverty in Egypt—took to the streets, calling for Mubarak to step down as president. Those demonstrations took place shortly after a popular uprising in Tunisia, known as the Jasmine Revolution, forced Tunisian Pres. Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali from power, and the Egyptian uprising became the second of a string of protest movements known as the Arab Spring. Mubarak made no public appearances until January 28—the fourth day of clashes between protesters and police—when he gave a speech on Egyptian state television indicating that he intended to remain in office. In the speech he acknowledged the protesters’ demand for political change by announcing that he would dissolve his cabinet and implement new social and economic reforms. Those concessions, however, were dismissed by protesters as a ploy to remain in power and did little to calm the unrest. The following day Mubarak appointed a vice president for the first time in his presidency, choosing Omar Suleiman, the director of the Egyptian General Intelligence Service. On February 1, under pressure from continued protests, Mubarak appeared on Egyptian state television and announced that he would not stand in the presidential election scheduled for September 2011.

    Under continued pressure to step down immediately, Mubarak made another televised speech on February 10. Although it was widely expected that he would use the address to announce his immediate resignation, he reiterated that he would stay in office until the end of his term, delegating some of his powers to Suleiman. Mubarak promised to institute electoral reforms and vowed to lift Egypt’s emergency law, in place since 1981, when the security situation in Egypt became sufficiently stable.

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    On February 11 Mubarak left Cairo for Sharm el-Sheikh, a resort town on the Sinai Peninsula where he maintained a residence. Hours later Suleiman appeared on Egyptian television to announce that Mubarak had stepped down as president, leaving the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, a group of senior military officers, to govern the country. Upon learning of Mubarak’s resignation, crowds at Tahrir Square and other protest sites erupted in celebration.

    Following Mubarak’s departure, the Egyptian government began to investigate allegations of corruption and abuse of power within the Mubarak regime, questioning and arresting several former officials and business leaders with close ties to Mubarak. Calls for the investigation to focus on Mubarak himself intensified, fueled by reports that the Mubarak family had amassed a fortune worth billions of dollars in overseas accounts. On April 10 the public prosecutor announced that Mubarak and his sons, Alaa and Gamal, would be questioned by investigators. Following the announcement, Mubarak made his first public statements since stepping down as president, denying the accusations of corruption. On April 12, while waiting to be questioned, Mubarak was hospitalized after reportedly suffering a heart attack. Mubarak was held in a hospital in Sharm el-Sheikh after an official medical evaluation concluded that his health was too fragile for him to be transferred to prison in Cairo. In May the Egyptian state media reported that his condition had stabilized, although he needed to be treated for depression.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  4. 25 feb 2020 · Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak – ousted by the military in 2011 – has died in Cairo at the age of 91. Mubarak spent three decades in office before a popular uprising swept Egypt.

  5. Militare e uomo politico egiziano (Kafr El-Moseilho, el-Menufiyya, 1928 - Il Cairo 2020). Direttore generale dell'accademia aeronautica dal 1967, dal 1972 fu capo di stato maggiore dell'aeronautica e dopo il conflitto del 1973 con Israele divenne tenente generale.

  6. 25 feb 2020 · Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, who ruled Egypt for 30 years before he was overthrown in a popular uprising, has died at 91, according to state media.