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  1. Alfonso de Albuquerque è stato un esploratore e militare portoghese. Fu un fidalgo portoghese, generale e ammiraglio della marina le cui imprese militari resero possibile la creazione del vicereame portoghese delle Indie e di un vero e proprio impero coloniale nell'oceano Indiano. Alfonso tentò di chiudere i passaggi per l'oceano ...

  2. Afonso de Albuquerque, 1st Duke of Goa ( c. 1453 – 16 December 1515), was a Portuguese general, admiral, and statesman. He served as viceroy of Portuguese India from 1509 to 1515, during which he expanded Portuguese influence across the Indian Ocean and built a reputation as a fierce and skilled military commander.

  3. Afonso de Albuquerque was a Portuguese soldier, conqueror of Goa (1510) in India and of Melaka (1511) on the Malay Peninsula. His program to gain control of all the main maritime trade routes of the East and to build permanent fortresses with settled populations laid the foundations of Portuguese.

  4. Navigatore e conquistatore (n. presso Alhandra 1453 - m. Goa 1515), fondatore della potenza portoghese in Oriente. Dopo aver partecipato (1486) ...

  5. Afonso de Albuquerque, or Afonso the Great, (born 1453, Alhandra, near Lisbon—died Dec. 15, 1515, at sea, off Goa, India), Portuguese soldier, conqueror of Goa (1510) and of Melaka (1511).

  6. Imparentato con la famiglia reale portoghese (come discendente da un figlio naturale del re Dionigi), trascorse l'infanzia e l'adolescenza nel palazzo del re Alfonso V, dove si educò ascoltando le relazioni dei grandi viaggi oceanici e della scoperta e conquista delle coste occidentali dell'Africa.

  7. Alfonso de Albuquerque was for some time known as The Great, The Caesar of the East and as The Portuguese Mars. He was created first Duke of Goa by king Manuel I of Portugal shortly before his death, becoming the first Portuguese duke not of the royal family, and the first Portuguese title landed overseas.