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  1. Karl Fritzsch (Aš, 10 luglio 1903 – Berlino, 2 maggio 1945) è stato un militare tedesco delle SS. Operante nei campi di sterminio, per primo propose e sperimentò l'uso del gas Zyklon B a scopo di omicidio di massa.

  2. Karl Fritzsch (10 July 1903 – reported missing 2 May 1945) was a German member of the Nazi paramilitary organization, the Schutzstaffel (SS) from 1933 to 1945. He was a deputy and acting commandant at the Auschwitz concentration camp. According to Rudolf Höss, Fritzsch first suggested using poisonous gas Zyklon B for the purpose ...

  3. Karl Fritzsch (10 July 1903 – 2 May 1945), SS Hauptsturmführer, was the head of the Protective-Custody Camp at the Auschwitz Main Camp from 14 June 1940 until 1 February 1942. Later he had that same role at the Flossenbürg Camp.

  4. 25 gen 2021 · Il 3 settembre 1941, mentre Hoss non si trovava al campo, il vice comandante del campo Karl Fritzsch decise di sperimentare l’uso dello Zyklon B su 850 detenuti: 600 prigionieri di guerra russi e 250 pazienti (per lo più ebrei) dell’infermeria del campo malati di tubercolosi.

  5. 22 dic 2022 · 14 giugno 1940 – Entra in funzione Auschwitz I, che, insieme a Birkenau, Monowitz e altri 45 sottocampi, darà vita al vasto complesso di Auschwitz. Per il primo Natale della struttura, Rudolf Höß e Karl Fritzsch, comandante e vice-comandante del campo, fanno allestire un albero molto particolare.

  6. Some of these figures became notorious, such as main camp (Auschwitz I Concentration Camp) directors SS-Haupsturmführer Karl Fritzsch and SS-Haupsturmführer Hans Aumeier, or the main camp Rapportführers, SS-Hauptscharführer Gerhard Palitzsch and SS-Oberscharführer Oswald Kaduk.

  7. 3 set 2016 · SS-Hauptsturmführer Karl Fritzsch (10 July 1903 – reported missing 2 May 1945), was a German SS Captain and Auschwitz concentration camp Deputy who first suggested using poisonous gas Zyklon B for the purpose of mass murder according to Rudolf Höss and experimented with the first gassings himself.