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  1. Peter Vitus von Quosdanovich è stato un feldmaresciallo austriaco. Commendatore dell'Ordine militare di Maria Teresa, giocò un ruolo importante in alcune battaglie combattute contro l'esercito francese in Italia guidato dal generale Napoleone Bonaparte.

  2. Peter Vitus Freiherr von Quosdanovich (Croatian: Petar Vid Gvozdanović; 12 June 1738 – 13 August 1802) was a nobleman and general of the Habsburg monarchy of Croatian descent. He achieved the rank of Feldmarschall-Lieutenant and was awarded the Commander's Cross of the Military Order of Maria Theresa .

  3. 29 gen 2024 · Peter Vitus von Quosdanovich played a significant role in several key military engagements, particularly during the French Revolutionary Wars. His command decisions during these battles and campaigns had notable impacts on the European military landscape.

  4. La battaglia di Lonato fu combattuta il 3 e il 4 agosto 1796 tra l'esercito francese del generale Napoleone Bonaparte e una colonna austriaca guidata dal feldmaresciallo Peter Vitus von Quosdanovich

  5. Peter Vitus von Quosdanovich (Zumberak, 12 giugno 1738 - Vienna, 13 agosto 1802) Feldmaresciallo austriaco. Comandante dell'Ordine militare di Maria Teresa, giocò un ruolo importante in alcune battaglie combattute contro l'esercito francese in Italia guidato dal generale Napoleone Bonaparte.

  6. Peter Vitus von Quosdanovich (12 June 1738-13 August 1802), also known as Peter Quasdanovich, was a Field Marshal of the Holy Roman Empire during the French Revolutionary Wars.

  7. Consisting of 7 battalions, 16 squadrons and 16 guns, Peter Vitus von Quosdanovich’s column was to move from Nivelles, where it was located, to Grand-Champ, the plain north of the village of Mellet, on the night of the 25th.