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  1. Il principe Ernst von Hohenberg è stato un nobile austriaco, secondogenito di Francesco Ferdinando d'Austria-Este, erede al trono d'Austria-Ungheria e di molti altri regni della penisola balcanica, la cui morte per omicidio, compiuto da Gavrilo Princip, segnò l'inizio della prima guerra mondiale.

  2. Prince Ernst of Hohenberg (Ernst Alfons Franz Ignaz Joseph Maria Anton von Hohenberg; 27 May 1904 – 5 March 1954) was the second son of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his morganatic wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, who were assassinated at Sarajevo in 1914.

  3. Hohenberg family. The House of Hohenberg is an Austrian and Czech noble family that descends from Countess Sophie Chotek (18681914), who in 1900 married Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Este (1863–1914), the heir presumptive to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

  4. Il principe Ernst von Hohenberg è stato un nobile austriaco, secondogenito di Francesco Ferdinando d'Austria-Este, erede al trono d'Austria-Ungheria e di molti altri regni della penisola balcanica, la cui morte per omicidio, compiuto da Gavrilo Princip, segnò l'inizio della prima guerra mondiale.

  5. Ernst Hohenberg, Geburtsname Ernst Alfons Franz Ignaz Joseph Maria Anton Fürst von Hohenberg (* 27. Mai 1904 in Konopischt in Böhmen; † 5. März 1954 in Graz) war Forstwirt, bis 1919 ein österreichischer Aristokrat des herzoglich-fürstlichen Hauses Hohenberg sowie politischer Redner und Opfer des NS-Regimes.

  6. Maximilian, Duke of Hohenberg (Maximilian Karl Franz Michael Hubert Anton Ignatius Joseph Maria; 29 September 1902 – 8 January 1962), was the elder son of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife Countess Sophie Chotek von Chotkowa und Wognin, Duchess von Hohenberg.

  7. The Counts of Hohenberg (or Margraves of Hohenberg) were an ancient Swabian dynasty in the southwest of the present-day German state of Baden-Württemberg. During the 13th century, the Hohenberg dynasty was one of the most prominent lineages in southwestern Germany.