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  1. Jean Louis Marie Le Pen è un politico francese, ex leader e fondatore del partito politico di estrema destra Front National. Deputato all'Assemblea nazionale e per più legislature all'Europarlamento, Le Pen è famoso per le sue posizioni estremamente conservatrici e reazionarie, che lo hanno spesso portato a dichiarazioni ...

  2. Jean-Marie Le Pen ( [ ʒɑ̃maʁi ləpɛn] a ), né le 20 juin 1928 à La Trinité-sur-Mer ( Morbihan ), est un homme politique français . Il sert dans l'armée lors des guerres d'Indochine et d'Algérie, et commence un parcours politique dans les courants poujadistes.

    • Life and Career
    • Public Image
    • Decorations
    • Further Reading
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    Early life

    Jean Louis Marie Le Pen was the only son of Jean Le Pen (1901–1942). Jean Le Pen was born in Brittany, like his ancestors, and had started work at the age of 13 on a transatlantic vessel. He was the president of L'Association des Ancients Combattants and Councilor of La Trinité-sur-Mer.Jean-Marie Le Pen's mother, Anne-Marie Hervé (1904–1965), was a seamstress and also of local ancestry. Le Pen was born on 20 June 1928 in La Trinité-sur-Mer, a small seaside village in Brittany, the son of Anne...

    Military service

    After receiving his law degree, he enlisted in the Foreign Legion. He arrived in Indochina after the 1954 battle of Dien Bien Phu, which had been lost by France and which prompted French Prime Minister Pierre Mendès France to put an end to the Indochina war at the Geneva Conference. Le Pen was then sent to Suezin 1956, but arrived only after the cease-fire. In 1953, a year before the beginning of the Algerian War, he contacted President Vincent Auriol, who approved Le Pen's proposed volunteer...

    Far-right politics

    Le Pen directed the 1965 presidential campaign of far-right candidate Jean-Louis Tixier-Vignancour, who obtained 5.19% of the votes. He insisted on the rehabilitation of the Collaborationists, declaring that: In 1962, Le Pen lost his seat in the Assembly. He created the Serp (Société d'études et de relations publiques) firm, a company involved in the music industry, which specialized in historical recordings and sold recordings of the choir of the CGT trade-union and songs of the Popular Fron...

    Public perception

    Le Pen is often nicknamed the "Menhir", due to his "granitic nature" as he is perceived as someone who does not give way to pressure or who cannot be easily knocked down. It also connects him to France's Celtic origins.Le Pen is often described as one of the most flamboyant and charismatic orators in Europe, whose speech blends folksy humour, crude attacks and rhetorical finesse. However, Le Pen remains a polarizing figure in France: opinions regarding him tend to be quite strong. A 2002 Ipso...

    Relations with other groups

    Some of Le Pen's statements led other right-wing groups, such as the Austrian Freedom Party, and some National Front supporters, to distance themselves from him. Controversial Dutch anti-Islam lawmaker Geert Wilders, who has often been accused of being far-right, has also criticized Le Pen. Bruno Mégret left the National Front to found his own party (the National Republican Movement, MNR), claiming that Le Pen kept the Front away from the possibility of gaining power. Mégret wanted to emulate...

    Bar-On, Tamir. Rethinking the French New Right: Alternatives to Modernity(Routledge, 2013).
    Chombeau, Christiane. Le Pen: fille et père Panama Editions2007
    Fauchoux, Marc and Forcari, Christophe. Le Pen, le derniner combatJacob-Duvernet Editions. 2007
    Hainsworth, Paul. "The extreme right in France: the rise and rise of Jean‐Marie Le Pen's front national." Representation40.2 (2004): 101–114.

    News articles and videos 1. Jews for Le Pen Archived 17 April 2009 at the Wayback Machine from Haaretz 2. Le Pen on Al Jazeera English's Riz Khan show on YouTube Criticism 1. Jean-Marie Le Pen: A Right-Wing Extremist and His Party from the Anti-Defamation League

  3. Leader dell'estrema destra francese, Jean-Marie Le Pen nasce nel 1928 a La Trinité-sur-mer in Bretagna. Da trent'anni sulla scena politica francese, ha avuto una vita estremamente avventurosa ed intensa.

  4. Fils de la nation . © Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani - Riproduzione riservata. Uomo politico francese (n. La Trinité-sur-Mer 1928), ex presidente del partito di estrema destra Front national (FN), da lui fondato nel 1972; i...

  5. 3 apr 2024 · Jean-Marie Le Pen, âgé de 95 ans, a été placé « sous régime de protection juridique », a annoncé, mercredi 3 avril, le vice-président du Rassemblement national (RN), Louis Aliot, confirmant...

  6. 16 apr 2023 · L'ex presidente e cofondatore del Fronte nazionale, Jean-Marie Le Pen, è stato ricoverato dopo un malore di origine cardiaca. Secondo quanto appreso dal quotidiano Le Parisien da fonti vicine alla famiglia, si tratta di "un'allerta grave". Problemi cardiaci.