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  1. Anton Drexler (Monaco di Baviera, 13 giugno 1884 – Monaco di Baviera, 24 febbraio 1942) è stato un politico tedesco, uno dei fondatori e il primo presidente del Partito Nazionalsocialista Tedesco dei Lavoratori (NSDAP).

  2. Anton Drexler (13 June 1884 – 24 February 1942) was a German far-right political agitator for the Völkisch movement in the 1920s. He founded the German Workers' Party (DAP), the pan-German and anti-Semitic antecedent of the Nazi Party (NSDAP).

  3. Anton Drexler (* 13. Juni 1884 in München ; † 24. Februar 1942 ebenda) war ein deutscher Politiker und 1919 Mitbegründer der Deutschen Arbeiterpartei (DAP).

  4. 20 feb 2018 · Anton Drexler was one of these dissatisfied Germans who would set off a chain of events that would consume the entire globe. A locksmith, fervent nationalist, and a rabid anti-Semite, Drexler had not actually enlisted in the military during the war since he had been deemed unfit.

  5. Il Partito Tedesco dei Lavoratori (in tedesco: Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - DAP) fu un partito politico tedesco di estrema destra fondato e guidato da Anton Drexler il 5 gennaio 1919 ed attivo per breve tempo durante la Repubblica di Weimar.

  6. Discover the untold story of Anton Drexler, the man who played a pivotal role in shaping Adolf Hitler's path to power. Dive into the intriguing history of ho...

    • 17 min
    • 999
    • Dark Sleuth Secrets
  7. In January 1919, Anton Drexler founded the German Workers’ Party. This party was formed from a group who had previously met regularly to discuss political matters. The party met weekly in a beer hall in Munich.