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  1. Moshe Alshich, (in ebraico משה אלשיך ‎?, Mōsheh ῾Ālṣḥykh), anche noto con l'appellativo di Alshich Hakadosh (il Santo) (Edirne, 1508 – Safad, 1593), è stato un rabbino, mistico e rinomato kabbalista ottomano, come pure darshan (predicatore) e commentatore del Tanakh (Bibbia ebraica) vissuto nel XVI secolo.

  2. Moshe Alshich Hebrew: משה אלשיך, also spelled Alshech, (1508–1593), known as the Alshich Hakadosh (the Holy), was a prominent rabbi, preacher, and biblical commentator in the latter part of the sixteenth century. The Alshich was born in 1508 in the Ottoman Empire, and was the son of Hayyim Alshich.

  3. Rabbi Moshe Alshich. Renowned as one of the great darshanim (sermonizers) of the Jewish world, Rabbi Moshe Alshich was born in Adrianople, Turkey in 5268 (1508 CE) but lived most of his long and productive life in Safed.

  4. His style in Torat Moshe is to raise a number of questions and difficulties on a verse and then answer them all together by offering a new insight into the subject matter of the verse. His foremost aim in his commentary is to find fundamental moral and ethical lessons in the verses, or point out good qualities of character, such as faith ...

  5. Moshe Alshich,, anche noto con l'appellativo di Alshich Hakadosh , è stato un rabbino, mistico e rinomato kabbalista ottomano, come pure darshan (predicatore) e commentatore del Tanakh vissuto nel XVI secolo.

  6. Rabbi Moshe Alshich, known as the holy Alshich HaKadosh, was one of the giants of his time. He was born in Turkey, in the city of Adrianople, in 5268 (1508 on the secular calendar), where he studied Torah under Rabbi Yosef Caro, author of the Bais Yosef, and the Shulchan Aruch, the Code of Jewish Law.

  7. Rabbi Moshe Alshich. Renowned as one of the great darshanim (sermonizers) of the Jewish world, Rabbi Moshe Alshich was born in Adrianople, Turkey in 5268 (1508 CE) but lived most of his long and productive life in Safed.