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  1. Zaifeng (12 February 1883 – 3 February 1951), also known as Tsai Feng, Prince of Ch'ün, formally known by his title Prince Chun, was a Manchu prince and regent of the late Qing dynasty. He was a son of Yixuan, the seventh son of the Daoguang Emperor, and the father of Puyi, the Last Emperor.

  2. The title was passed down over two generations and held by only two persons – Yixuan and his fifth son, Zaifeng (1883–1951) – who were the biological fathers of the penultimate and last emperors of the Qing dynasty respectively.

  3. 爱新觉罗·载沣(1883年2月12日—1951年2月3日),字伯涵,号静云,晚年自号书癖,改名载静云(又作金静云),清宣宗道光帝之孙,醇亲王爱新觉罗·奕譞第五子,光绪帝载湉异母弟,宣统帝溥仪生父,清朝宗室,于宣统年间任监国摄政王。载沣生于北京太平湖醇亲王府内。光绪十六年(1890年)袭王 ...

  4. Zaifeng (12 February 1883 – 3 February 1951), also known as Tsai Feng, Prince of Ch'ün, formally known by his title Prince Chun, was a Manchu prince and regent of the late Qing dynasty. He was a son of Yixuan, the seventh son of the Daoguang Emperor, and the father of Puyi, the Last Emperor .

  5. 5 mag 2024 · Description. Also known as. English. Zaifeng, Prince Chun. Qing Dynasty prince (1883-1951) Aixinjueluo Zaifeng.

  6. Zaifeng (12 February 1883 – 3 February 1951), officially known by his title of Prince Chun, was a Manchu prince of the Aisin Gioro imperial clan and a statesman during the late Qing Dynasty. He was the father of Puyi (the Xuantong Emperor), the last emperor of China, and served as the...

  7. 27 apr 2012 · Zaifeng's policies focused opposition on the Manchu ruling family and created the conditions for a sudden revolution in 1911. Understanding the 1911 Revolution requires more focus on the revolutionary milieu of 1911 that brought China to its tipping point.