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  1. Ulrich von Jungingen (Jungingen, 1360 – Grunwald, 15 luglio 1410) è stato un cavaliere medievale tedesco, ventiseiesimo Gran maestro dell'Ordine teutonico dal 1407 fino alla sua morte. La sua politica di confronto col Granducato di Lituania e con il Regno di Polonia sfociò nella guerra polacco-lituano-teutonica e portò al ...

  2. Ulrich von Jungingen (1360 – 15 July 1410) was the 26th Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights, serving from 1407 to 1410. His policy of confrontation with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland would spark the Polish–Lithuanian–Teutonic War and lead to disaster for his Order, and his own death, at the Battle of ...

  3. Ulrich von Jungingen (* um 1360 vermutlich auf Burg Hohenfels, heute Landkreis Konstanz; † 15. Juli 1410 bei Tannenberg) entstammte dem schwäbischen Adel und war in den Jahren 1407 bis 1410 Hochmeister des Deutschen Ordens.

  4. Tannenberg, l’ultima carica dei cavalieri teutonici. Una ricostruzione digitale della battaglia di Tannenberg. Ulrich von Jungingen, Gran Maestro dell’Ordine di Santa Maria dei Teutoni in Gerusalemme, guardava la vasta pianura che si stendeva sotto le zampe del suo cavallo da guerra.

  5. Ulrich von Jungingen |Hochmeister des Deutschen Ordens, * um 1360 wohl Neu-Hohenfels bei Konstanz, ⚔ 15. 7. 1410 Tannenberg (Ostpreußen), ⚰ Marienburg, Sankt Annenkapelle.

  6. The alliance of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, led respectively by King Władysław II Jagiełło (Jogaila), and Grand Duke Vytautas, decisively defeated the German Teutonic Order, led by Grand Master Ulrich von Jungingen.

  7. Ulrich von Jungingen was the 26th Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights, who led a disastrous war against Poland and Lithuania in 1410. He was killed in the Battle of Grunwald, where he tried to attack King Jogaila and Grand Duke Vytautas.