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  1. › wiki › WulfhereWulfhere - Wikipedia

    Wulfhere (VII secolo – 675) fu sovrano di Mercia, che governò dal 657 o 658 fino alla morte.

  2. Wulfhere or Wulfar (died 675) was King of Mercia from 658 until 675 AD. He was the first Christian king of all of Mercia, though it is not known when or how he converted from Anglo-Saxon paganism.

  3. Wulfhere. Enciclopedia on line. Re di Mercia (m. 675), figlio secondogenito di Penda. Riconquistò (658) il trono tolto al padre da Oswy; completò la conversione al ...

  4. Wulfhere (fl. AD 855-?877) was Ealdorman for Wiltshire, when the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, of England, were experiencing turbulent times. An invading Danish army had landed in East Anglia, in 865 and had conquered all of the English kingdoms apart from Wessex.

  5. Wulfhere: re della Mercia (m. 675). Secondo figlio di Penda, primo re dei Merci a farsi cristiano, contrasse alleanze con i piccoli stati del Sud-...

  6. Wulfhere (died 675) was the king of the Mercians from 657, who made himself overlord of much of England south of the River Humber. He exercised control over Essex, London, Surrey, and the West Saxon lands, or Wessex, north of the Thames.

  7. Wulfhere Enciclopedia on line Re di Mercia (m. 675), figlio secondogenito di Penda. Riconquistò (658) il trono tolto al padre da Oswy; completò la ...