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  1. Alexander Mitchell Kellas (Aberdeen, 21 giugno 1868 – Kampa Dzong, 5 giugno 1921) è stato un alpinista e fisiologo scozzese. Conosciuto per i suoi studi di fisiologia in alta quota, esplorò e scalò diverse cime in Himalaya; partecipò alla prima spedizione britannica all'Everest, durante la quale trovò la morte.

  2. Alexander Mitchell Kellas (21 June 1868 – 5 June 1921) was a British chemist, explorer, and mountaineer known for his studies of high-altitude physiology.

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  4. 18 mag 2021 · Alexander Kellas, alpinista e fisiologo scozzese, durante la guerra ha messo a punto i primi respiratori a ossigeno per i piloti britannici.

  5. 29 apr 2022 · RSGS Writer-in-Residence Jo Woolf investigates the life of Scottish Mountaineer Alexander Kellas, who was one of the most experienced Himalayan climbers in Britain, and the leading authority on the effects of altitude on the human body before his death on the 1921 Everest Reconnaissance Expedition.

  6. 11 ago 2022 · At the time of his death in 1921, en route to Everest, Scottish mountaineer Alexander Kellas was among the foremost Himalayan explorers, with a string of first ascents and an altitude record to his credit. As a scientist, his research into the physiological effects of high altitude broke new ground.

  7. Les Bains Paris. For more than 130 years, Bacchus the god of hedonism, keeps a keen eye on his guests. Built-in 1885, this elegant Haussmanesque building was the first home to a public spa, then a café frequented by Manet, Pissaro, Degas and intellectuals like Marcel Proust or Emile Zola.