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  1. Benedikt Moritz Cantor è stato un matematico tedesco, primo professore di storia della matematica della Germania. Ha inoltre il merito di fondatore, nel XIX secolo, di molte riviste a carattere scientifico.

  2. Moritz Benedikt Cantor (23 August 1829 – 10 April 1920) was a German historian of mathematics . Biography. Cantor was born at Mannheim. He came from a Sephardi Jewish family that had emigrated to the Netherlands from Portugal, another branch of which had established itself in Russia.

  3. Moritz Benedikt Cantor (* 23. August 1829 in Mannheim; † 9. April 1920 in Heidelberg) war der erste Professor für die Geschichte der Mathematik in Deutschland.

  4. Moritz Cantor was a German historian of mathematics. View five larger pictures. Biography. Moritz Cantor's parents were Isaac Benedikt Cantor (1799-1885) and Nanette Meyer Schnapper. Isaac, who was a merchant from Amsterdam, was the son of Benedict Cantor and Telly de Vries.

  5. CANTOR, Moritz Giovanni Vacca Storico della matematica, nato in Mannheim il 23 agosto 1829, studiò a Heidelberg, Gottinga e Berlino; nel 1853 assistente e nel 1863 professore di matematica all'università di Heidelberg, ove morì il 10 aprile 1920.

  6. Storico tedesco della matematica (Mannheim 1829 - Heidelberg 1920); prof. all'univ. di Heidelberg, è autore di Vorlesungen über Geschichte der Mathematik (4 voll., 1894-1908), opera ricca di notizie.

  7. Moritz Benedikt Cantor (born Aug. 23, 1829, Mannheim, Baden—died April 10, 1920, Heidelberg, Ger.) was a German historian of mathematics, one of the greatest of the 19th century. Cantor spent his career at the University of Heidelberg, where he began as a tutor in 1853.