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  1. Siddharth Kara is a NY Times Bestselling author and Pulitzer Prize finalist. He is also a British Academy Global Professor and an associate professor at the University of Nottingham. He is best known for his book " Cobalt Red: How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives " (2023).

  2. 28 ago 2023 · Siddharth Kara insegna alla British Academy (istituto di ricerca sulle scienze sociali) ed è professore associato sulla tratta degli esseri umani e sulle odierne forme di schiavitù alla Nottingham University.

  3. 1 feb 2023 · Kara, a fellow at Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health and at the Kennedy School, has been researching modern-day slavery, human trafficking and child labor for two decades.

    • Terry Gross
  4. 23 gen 2023 · COBALT RED: How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives, by Siddharth Kara. Cobalt, a mineral essential to the batteries of smart devices and electric vehicles — and therefore to the future —...

  5. L’attivista e ricercatore Siddharth Kara ha infatti documentato le vite delle persone che vivono, lavorano e muoiono per il cobalto. Circa il 75 per cento della fornitura mondiale di cobalto viene estratto in Congo, spesso da contadini e bambini in condizioni subumane.

    • Siddharth Kara
  6. 16 feb 2023 · Siddharth Kara witnessed “utterly subhuman degradation” in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Then he wrote about it.

  7. 31 gen 2023 · Activist and researcher Siddharth Kara has traveled deep into cobalt territory to document the testimonies of the people living, working, and dying for cobalt.

    • Siddharth Kara