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  1. Figlio di Marc Antoine Crozat e Catherine de Saporta, Pierre Crozat, che è chiamato il povero, rispetto a suo fratello Antoine Crozat - uno dei fondatori dello Stato della Louisiana francese che è detto il ricco - è stato uno dei più famosi collezionisti francesi.

  2. Pierre Crozat was one of the most prominent French financiers and collectors, becoming the treasurer to the king in Paris in 1704, when he built the Hôtel de Crozat on the rue de Richelieu and his magnificent country retreat, the Château de Montmorency.

  3. Celebre collezionista, soprattutto di disegni antichi; per le sue raccolte fece costruire (1704-14) un palazzo che divenne un cenacolo d'arte e di cultura.

  4. 26 set 2023 · SYSTÈME CONSTRUCTIF DES PYRAMIDES. LE GÉNIE DES PYRAMIDES. Accédez aux différentes versions : Dernière mise à jour : 26 septembre 2023. Pour Pierre CROZAT, la construction des pyramides a été réalisée en application d'une méthode de construction dite « d'accroissement pyramidal ».

  5. Pierre Crozat (Toulouse 1661-1740) est un financier et collectionneur français. Trésorier de France, il est parfois dit, par euphémisme, « le pauvre », par opposition à son frère Antoine, fondateur de la Louisiane française.

  6. Pierre Crozat and the Parisian Market for Old Master Drawings: A Transformation. Sebastian de Vivo. In this talk, I present a comparison of the auction sales of the two greatest eighteenth-century collectors of drawings: Pierre Crozat's in 1741 and Pierre-Jean Mariette in 1775.

  7. Pierre built a sumptuous residence, now destroyed, on the rue du Richelieu and dedicated himself to collecting works of art with which he filled his home. Crozat collected both fine and decorative art objects in abundance--over 400 paintings, as many sculptures, some 18,000 drawings, as well as engravings, Chinese and Japanese porcelains ...