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  1. Cecil Day-Lewis è stato un poeta, scrittore e traduttore britannico di origini irlandesi. Padre dell'attore Daniel Day-Lewis e della documentarista e conduttrice televisiva Tamasin Day-Lewis, ha raggiunto notevole popolarità grazie alla sua vasta produzione di romanzi polizieschi firmati con lo pseudonimo di Nicholas Blake.

  2. Cecil Day-Lewis CBE (or Day Lewis; 27 April 1904 – 22 May 1972), often written as C. Day-Lewis, was an Anglo-Irish poet and Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom from 1968 until his death in 1972.

  3. Cecil Day-Lewis has two contrasting claims on our attention. The first is as an archetypal poet of the 1930s, the first-born, last-named member of the Auden/Spender/Day-Lewis triad, and the only one of those three friends whose commitment to Marxism extended to joining and working for the Communist…

  4. 10 nov 2023 · Nato a Ballintubbert, Irlanda, nel 1904, ‘strozzato’ dal polimorfico genio di Auden – che lo coinvolse nell’utopia comunista e nelle spire della poesia ‘sociale’ –, Cecil Day-Lewis, in realtà, è l’ultimo antico della poesia inglese: poco avvezzo ai modernismi, ha il passo di un aratore del verbo, di uno che alla ...

  5. Cecil Day Lewis, scrittore di origini irlandesi, studia a Oxford dove è attratto da compagnie di ispirazione socialista che finiscono per influire sui suoi lavori.

  6. 18 mag 2024 · C. Day-Lewis (born April 27, 1904, Ballintubbert, County Leix, Ire.—died May 22, 1972, Hadley Wood, Hertfordshire, Eng.) was one of the leading British poets of the 1930s; he then turned from poetry of left-wing political statement to an individual lyricism expressed in more traditional forms.

  7. In the early 1930’s Auden and Day Lewis, alongside Stephen Spender, Louis Macneice and others became known as a distinct group, expressing unease at the political and social crises of the decade and the rise of fascism. Day Lewis was the most politically active of the group, speaking at meetings and eventually joining the communist party.