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  1. George Armitage Miller è stato uno psicologo statunitense. È stato uno dei fondatori e massimi esponenti storici della psicologia cognitiva. È noto anche per aver gettato le basi della psicolinguistica, con il testo Linguaggio e comunicazione.

  2. 8 apr 2024 · George Armitage Miller è morto il 22 luglio 2012, lasciando un’eredità duratura nel mondo accademico. La sua ricerca e il suo lavoro continuano a ispirare e guidare gli studiosi nell’esplorazione della mente umana.

  3. George Armitage Miller (February 3, 1920 – July 22, 2012) was an American psychologist who was one of the founders of cognitive psychology, and more broadly, of cognitive science. He also contributed to the birth of psycholinguistics.

  4. 20 set 2023 · George Armitage Miller (1920–2012) was a pioneer of the cognitive revolution that restored mental phenomena to the field of psychology.

  5. 26 lug 2012 · George A. Miller, one of the founders of cognitive psychology, was a pioneer who recognized that the human mind can be understood using an information-processing model. His insights helped move psychological research beyond behaviorist methods that dominated the field through the 1950s.

  6. The concept of immediate memory was made popular by George A. Miller’s (1956) article on capacity limits in information processing, suggesting that it is limited to about seven units. It is one of the best-known works in the cognitive and psychological sciences, with about 20,000 scientific citations as of this writing (17 October, 2014).

  7. “My problem is that I have been persecuted by an integer.” So began perhaps the most famous paper in the history of experimental psychology. The Harvard psychologist George Miller, inspired by information theory, aimed to measure the “channel capacity” of the mind, and found that three very different tasks pointed to the same answer.