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  1. Jonathan e Martha Kent appaiono in Superman (1978), interpretati rispettivamente da Glenn Ford e Phyllis Thaxter. Questa versione di Jonathan muore di infarto poco dopo aver dato a Clark una guida del suo scopo sulla Terra, cosa che lo ispira a creare la Fortezza della solitudine.

  2. 17 apr 2024 · Finalmente è stato svelato il nome dell'attore che interpreterà il padre umano di Superman, Jonathan Kent: ecco di chi si tratta.

  3. 17 apr 2024 · Nel prossimo film di Superman, diretto da James Gunn e tratto dai fumetti della DC, sarà presente anche Pruitt Taylor Vince. L’attore infatti ha fatto il suo ingresso nel cast per interpretare il ruolo di Jonathan Kent. Ricordiamo che la parte del protagonista, Superman appunto, è invece di David Corenswet.

    • Overview
    • Name
    • History
    • Coming of Age
    • Science Project Gone Awry
    • In the Name of the Father
    • Superman Reborn
    • Black Dawn
    • Super Sons of Tomorrow
    • Powers and Abilities

    Jonathan Kent is the firstborn son of Kryptonian superhero Superman and news reporter Lois Lane.

    When the Clark Kent and Lois Lane from the post-Crisis on Infinite Earths reality find themselves in the post-Flashpoint reality after the Convergence event, it becomes necessary for them to adopt a different last name from their counterparts in that reality (who each eventually met their own demise). They initially use "White" (beginning in Superman: Lois & Clark), possibly as an homage to their Daily Planet boss Perry White, and use this name when living on the west coast of the United States while Jon is growing up. Later, when they move to Hamilton County (just upstate from Metropolis), they begin using the more generic "Smith" (Superman vol 4).

    Jon's first name is taken after his paternal adoptive grandfather, Jonathan Kent (deceased), and his middle name comes from his maternal grandfather, Sam Lane.

    Jonathan was born during the Convergence event after both his and his mother's lives were jeopardized by the Flashpoint universe's Kal-El. Superman managed to get his family into safety with the assistance of the Flashpoint Batman (Thomas Wayne) who aided Superman in the delivery of his son.

    When the one responsible for said cataclysm had a change of heart, Lois and Jon accompanied his father to the first Crisis in order to prevent the Multiverse from collapsing, a mission that proved successful. After that, Jon and his parents ended up stranded on an Earth different from whence they came; forced to adapt, they adopted the last name White.

    Jon grew up oblivious of his parent's past, deprived of their real identities while living an apparently normal life, but he was always suspicious of their sometimes awkward behavior, and always showed curiosity for, unbeknownst to him, his father's secret exploits.

    Jon later discovered he had superpowers, including heat vision when he accidentally killed his cat. Later, he went to the Moon to help his father (once again operating openly as Superman) fight the Eradicator, who had trapped Superman inside of him. Lois got into one of Batman's suits and helped Jon free Superman and defeat the Eradicator.

    After going to the State Fair in Hamilton with his family, Superman brings Jon to the Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic in order to help him finish his science project for school. Jon had decided on making a flying saucer. However, due to an unforeseen malfunction by the device, Jon, his father and Krypto were transported to Dinosaur Island. There...

    While searching for a tree for Christmas, Jon accidentally torched some woodlands near a swamp in Hamilton. He was subsequently rescued by Maya Ducard aka Nobody and Goliath. Jon later awakened in the Batcave and found out that Robin had been keeping him under surveillance for a long time. The two initially did not get along, and the situation was further complicated when Batman and Superman arrived, blaming each other for the conflict.

    The ensuing melee is abruptly averted when Jon used his Freeze Breath to separate the two sides and allow him to explain the situation to his father. While their fathers were discussing the lab tests that Damian had performed on Jon, the two boys went off to look at Damian's pets. However, due to Damian's snide remarks and goading, Jon lost his temper and another brawl broke out between them. This was also put down quickly as Batman looks down on them in furious silence.

    Revealing that he was posing as an alternate Clark Kent in Metropolis, Mister Mxyzptlk returned to harass Superman; this time his plan targeted Jon. The fifth-dimensional imp was angry at Superman for not rescuing him from Mr. Oz and intended to get revenge by erasing Superman's son from their minds and from history. With Lois Lane already forgetti...

    With the rewriting of history for Superman and his family, along with the rest of the history of the universe, Jon and his parents are now known as the Kents in Hamilton. While waiting out a big storm in the basement of their house, the Kents are paid a visit by Batman and Robin. Batman tells them that his analysis on Superboy's DNA had come back inconclusive and that his powers should have fully manifested at this point in time. The Dark Knight theorizes that something environmental might be suppressing the growth of Jon's powers and deduces that it might be the milk of a neighbor's cow. While attaining a sample of the cow's milk, Batman is attacked by a strange alien substance within the sample.

    When Batman does not return the following morning, Superman, Robin and Superboy go searching for him. They run afoul of the same squid monster they had encountered earlier, which began attacking the citizens of Hamilton. Superboy was forced to kill the creature with his Heat Vision in self-defense, prompting Superman to have a talk with his son about the consequences of his actions. While his father goes off to continue the search for Batman, Robin and Superboy are met by Jon's classmate, Kathy Cobb, who uses psychic powers to render Robin helpless and removed Jon's Heat Vision.

    Approximately 3 months has passed since the Kraklow incident and Superboy assists the Teen Titans in taking down the Hangmen from assassinating several key figures at the United Nations Building. Later on at Titan Tower, Jonathan confronts Damian over breaking his promise to allow him to join the Titans on a mission once a month. The other members are both shocked and angry over Damian for making such a promise without informing them and casting a team vote. The meeting is interrupted with the arrival of a Timothy Drake from an alternate future.

    The darker future-version of Drake takes control of the tower's systems and allows Raven to read his mind. His main goal is to eliminate the son of Superman before he unleashes a terrible power that will kill millions in the future. He had already taken both Batman and Superman out of the picture in order for them not to interfere. Jonathan is then coated with a strange, black substance that begins to eat away from the inside, causing the young Superboy to panic. At Damian's urging, Superboy flies out of the tower and suddenly explodes with a new, destructive power, heavily damaging the tower and injuring the Titans.

    The Teen Titans survive the blast, but are all rendered unconscious, save for Robin, who goes and retrieves Superboy from the water. He hypothesizes that the energy Jon emitted was the Super Flare, but a more unstable version, due to the half-kryptonian's genetic makeup. Knowing that the future Tim Drake will still be after Jonathan, the two boys retreat to their Fortress of Attitude. Meanwhile, Tim Drake makes a new costume for himself using the prototype costumes of the Titans and renames himself as Savior. He manages to convince Beast Boy and Raven to join him to stop Superboy from causing the deaths of millions in the future, while Starfire, Aqualad, and Kid Flash disagree. At the same time, Tim Drake's hand is pulled into hypertime and is found by the Titans of Tomorrow.

    The Teen Titans manage to track down Robin and Superboy to their headquarters, and after a brief melee, manage to convince the two boys that they want to help. After knocking out Robin, Jon gives the Titans the location of the Fortress of Solitude before having Kid Flash aid him in knocking him out. However, when they arrive at the Fortress they find Superman trapped in a cage of Red Kryptonite, which causes Jon to lose control again as he attempts to free his father. Just as Superman is freed, Savior, Beast Boy, Raven and the Titans of Tomorrow arrive, just as Jon emits another, much stronger and unstable Super Flare. With everyone working together to stop the detonation, it is surprisingly Tim Drake who makes the final sacrifice by absorbing the energy of the blast and allowing himself to be pulled into hypertime.


    •Solar Absorption: Jon has the ability to absorb the light and radiation of stars & suns, mainly those of the yellow stellar spectrum. His Kryptonian body is constantly absorbing and storing energy from Earth's yellow sun, which in turn grants him incredible powers, such as superhuman strength, enhanced senses, impenetrable skin, and even the ability to defy gravity. •Invulnerability: Because he is Half Kryptonian, Jon's body is nigh-invulnerable due to his superhumanly dense cellular and anatomical structure. However, due to his young age, his invulnerability is inconsistent, as he can get a scraped knee and a concussion. Jon has proven to be bulletproof and invulnerable to almost all forms of blunt force trauma. •Healing Factor: Jon possesses an accelerated "healing factor" enabling him to heal almost instantaneously from most wounds. •Superhuman Strength: As a result of his half Kryptonian lineage, Jon possesses incredible superhuman strength and is capable of handling tens of thousands of pounds. He was able to stun a large, flying dinosaur with a single punch. He is able to use his incredible strength to jump immense vertical and horizontal distances. According to Jon's mother, Jon is capable of lifting up cars to trucks, buses, and large boulders. He has even stopped a train speeding out of control. •Superhuman Stamina: Jonathan possesses a stamina phenomenally exceeding that of humans. Despite Jonathan can lengthily go without tiring, he eventually does need to rest or relax. •Flight: Jon's demonstrated the ability to defy the forces of gravity and achieve flight. He is capable of flying at supersonic speeds (over two thousand miles per second) in a planetary atmosphere and at faster-than-light speeds while in space. •X-Ray Vision: Jon possesses the ability to see through solid objects. •Heat Vision: His heat vision is powerful enough to singe even his father's skin. •Telescopic Vision: Jon is able to see objects from great distances. He was able to focus on the Cosmos One Space Station in orbit. •Superhuman Speed: Jon has demonstrated the ability to move, react, run and fly at superhuman speeds, surprising even his father who did not expect him to have that ability at such a young age. •Super-Breath: Jon is able to project his voice at a high decibel level, which is strong enough to shatter all the windows in his home. He later develops the ability to project freezing cold blasts to create considerable amounts of ice. •Superhuman Hearing: Jon first displayed this power to listen in on the conversation between his father, Batman and Wonder Woman. •Empathic Solar Flare: Jon has demonstrated the ability to release massive amounts of solar energy as powerful shock-waves capable of dispatching many foes at once and destroying large areas like cities and towns. Jon's blasts are capable of causing widespread destruction, similar to a nuclear explosion.


    •Genius Level Intellect: Jon can calculate complex equations in a short amount of time. •Heavy Machinery Operation: Superman has taught Jon how to drive the family tractor at their home, and apparently Jon can also drive a semi-truck.


    •Power Instability: Since Jon is very young, his Kryptonian powers are inconsistent, especially his invulnerability. Currently, Jon's control over his powers is mostly unfocused and instinctive. His powers seem to also fluctuate with his emotions. •Kryptonite: Superboy has shown to have the same weakness to kryptonite like his father. Shown in Superman #5. It is unknown if Kryptonite weakness him less then his father, because of his human DNA. It is unknown if Jon is affected by magic.

  4. Jonathan and Martha Kent appear in Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020), voiced by Neil Flynn and Bellamy Young respectively. Jonathan Kent appears in Injustice, voiced by Kevin Pollak.

  5. 17 apr 2024 · James Gunn, come riportato da Deadline, ha trovato il suo Jonathan Kent, cittadino terrestre padre del supereroe kryptoniano Superman. Sarà infatti Pruitt Taylor Vince a vestire i panni del genitore, interpretato nel 1978 da Glenn Ford nel Superman diretto da Richard Donner, e da Kevin Costner nel 2013 in Man of Steel.

  6. Due to the extraordinary heroics that "Superman" demonstrated while saving Earth from the malevolent General Dru-Zod and the Sword of Rao, Clark was ultimately accepted and greatly respected by most of the people of Earth (with Metropolis' citizens even building a massive silvery statue in Superman's honor), something Jonathan had feared wouldn ...