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  1. Babylonian religion is the religious practice of Babylonia. Babylonia's mythology was largely influenced by its Sumerian counterparts and was written on clay tablets inscribed with the cuneiform script derived from Sumerian cuneiform.

    • Babylonia

      Babylon continued to be the capital of the kingdom and one...

  2. Mesopotamian religion refers to the religious beliefs (concerning the gods, creation and the cosmos, the origin of man, and so forth) and practices of the civilizations of ancient Mesopotamia, particularly Sumer, Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia between circa 6000 BC and 400 AD.

  3. La mitologia babilonese fa parte della mitologia mesopotamica ed è il complesso delle credenze religiose e dei miti dei popoli babilonese ed assiro. Il canone babilonese è in gran parte derivato dalla mitologia sumera ed alcuni testi cuneiformi babilonesi sono traduzioni in accadico di antecedenti testi sumerici. Come avvenne per ...

  4. Babilonia era una città dell'antica Mesopotamia, situata sull'Eufrate, le cui rovine si trovano nei pressi della moderna città di Al Hillah, in Iraq, a circa 80 km a sud di Baghdad. Intorno al XVIII secolo a.C., Babilonia, fino ad allora di minore importanza, estese, con Hammurabi, il proprio regno su tutta la Mesopotamia ...

  5. › wiki › BabylonBabylon - Wikipedia

    Examples of their culture are found in the Babylonian Talmud, the Gnostic Mandaean religion, Eastern Rite Christianity and the religion of the philosopher Mani. Christianity was introduced to Mesopotamia in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD, and Babylon was the seat of a Bishop of the Church of the East until well after the Arab/Islamic ...