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  1. A community college is a type of undergraduate higher education institution, generally leading to an associate degree, certificate, or diploma.

  2. Community college is tuition-free for selected students in 47 states, often under the name College Promise. Most community college instructors have advanced degrees but serve as part-time low wage employees. Community college enrollment has declined every year since 2010.

  3. Community è una serie televisiva statunitense ideata da Dan Harmon e trasmessa negli Stati Uniti d'America dal canale NBC dal 17 settembre 2009 al 17 aprile 2014. La serie racconta le vicende di un gruppo di studenti in un fittizio college del Colorado.

  4. The California Community Colleges is a postsecondary education system in the U.S. state of California. Despite its plural name, the system is consistently referred to in California law as a singular entity. The system includes the Board of

  5. Il Queensborough Community College (QCC) è un community college di Bayside, nel Queens, New York. Uno dei sette college all'interno del sistema dell' Università della Città di New York (CUNY), il Queensborough iscrive più di 12.000 studenti e oltre 770 Facoltà didattiche.

  6. 21 mag 2018 · As a distinctively American invention, the comprehensive community college stands between secondary and higher education, between adult and higher education, and between industrial training and formal technical education.

  7. Community college is a type of public education institution. It provides two-year college education at reasonable tuition fees. Different forms of community colleges exist in the U.S., the U.K., Australia, the Philippines and etc.