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  1. La maglia Tharis è la regione di Marte che occupa la zona tra i 90° e i 135° di longitudine ovest e tra i 0° e i 30° di latitudine nord ed è classificata col codice MC-09.

  2. La regione di Tharsis su Marte è un'enorme zona montuosa di origine vulcanica, riconosciuta come caratteristica di albedo, situata presso l'equatore del pianeta, al confine occidentale della Valles Marineris.

  3. Categorie: Maglia MC-09. Tholi di Marte. [altre]

  4. › wiki › TharsisTharsis - Wikipedia

    • Location and Size
    • Geology
    • True Polar Wander on Mars
    • Tharsis in Popular Culture
    • See Also
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    Tharsis can have many meanings depending on historical and scientific context. The name is commonly used in a broad sense to represent a continent-sized region of anomalously elevated terrain centered just south of the equator around longitude 265°E. Called the Tharsis bulge or Tharsis rise, this broad, elevated region dominates the western hemisph...

    Tharsis is commonly called a volcano-tectonic province, meaning that it is the product of volcanism and associated tectonic processes that have caused extensive crustal deformation. According to the standard view, Tharsis overlies a hot spot, similar to the one thought to underlie the island of Hawaii. The hot spot is caused by one or more massive ...

    The total mass of the Tharsis bulge is approximately 1021 kg, about the same as the dwarf planet Ceres. Tharsis is so large and massive that it has likely affected the planet's moment of inertia, possibly causing a change in the orientation of the planet's crust with respect to its rotational axis over time. According to one recent study, Tharsis o...

    In the DragonlanceChronicles, the City of Tarsis is a port town which has become landlocked after the Cataclysm led to the recession of the sea. Its waterfront district was located on the west side...
    In Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy, three major cities—Cairo, Sheffield, and Nicosia—are located in this region, as well as many mentions of Noctis Labyrinthus and the surrounding areas.
    Tharsis appears in the 2002 Japanese manga and anime Voices of a Distant Star, where the first encounter took place between mankind and an alien race referred to as Tarsians.
    In the anime Cowboy Bebop, the headquarters of the Red Dragon Syndicate is in Tharsis City.
  5. I Tharsis Montes (monti di Tharsis, in latino) sono un complesso di tre vulcani situati sulla superficie del pianeta Marte, in prossimità dell'equatore, ad ovest delle Valles Marineris. I tre edifici vulcanici che compongono il complesso, da nord a sud, sono l'Ascraeus Mons, il Pavonis Mons e l'Arsia Mons.

  6. Tharsis is a land of great volcanoes. Olympus Mons is the tallest known volcano in the Solar System; it is 100 times larger than any volcano on Earth. Ascraeus Mons and Pavonis Mons are at least 200 miles across and are over six miles above the plateau that they sit on—and, the plateau is three to four miles above the zero altitude of Mars.

  7. La regione di Tharsis su Marte è un'enorme zona montuosa di origine vulcanica, riconosciuta come caratteristica di albedo, situata presso l'equatore del pianeta, al confine occidentale della Valles Marineris.