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  1. Marc Spector, a mercenary who has dissociative identity disorder (DID), is drawn into a deadly mystery involving Egyptian gods with his multiple alters, such as Steven Grant. Cast and characters. Oscar Isaac as Marc Spector / Moon Knight, Steven Grant / Mr. Knight, and Jake Lockley:

  2. › wiki › Moon_KnightMoon Knight - Wikipedia

    Moon Knight ha avuto per un certo periodo un aspirante aiutante adolescente (come Robin per Batman) e usa l’identità del miliardario Steven Grant per finanziare la sua carriera da Moon Knight, come Bruce Wayne.

  3. One of the comic Moon Knight's alters in Moon Knight Vol 8 is a movie producer named Steven Grant, who perceives Moon Knight's actions as scenes in an MCU movie about Moon Knight that Grant is producing.

  4. › wiki › Moon_KnightMoon Knight - Wikipedia

    Along with his costumed alter ego, he primarily uses three other identities to gain information from different social circles: billionaire businessman Steven Grant, taxicab driver Jake Lockley, and suited detective and police consultant Mr. Knight.

    • Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley
    • Marvel Comics
  5. Steven Grant, impiegato della National Gallery, soffre di vuoti di memoria e una notte, dopo essersi addormentato, si sveglia sulle Alpi austriache. Grant è testimone di una riunione di culto guidata da Arthur Harrow, che richiede uno scarabeo che Grant ha inconsapevolmente in suo possesso.