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  1. 24 ott 2016 · Sono i nomi di quattro donne, quattro donne che hanno qualcosa in comune: sono state sposate con Ernest Hemingway. A raccontarci queste relazioni, che si sono sovrapposte nella vita del giornalista e scrittore americano di Oak Park, Chicago, è la giovane Naomi Wood in un romanzo in uscita in Italia domani,

  2. 30 mar 2020 · Ernest Hemingway nell'estate del 1926 trascorse un periodo di quarantena con la moglie Hadley Richardson, il figlio malato di pertosse e l'amante Pauline Pfeiffer.

  3. 28 mar 2020 · Nell’estate del 1926 Hemingway aveva 27 anni, era sposato con la prima delle sue quattro mogli, Hadley Richardson, con cui aveva un figlio di tre anni, John Hadley Nicanor, soprannominato...

  4. 21 lug 2023 · Nella foto: Ernest Hemingway e la sua prima moglie Hadley Richardson. Il 21 luglio 1899 nasceva a Oak Park, un sobborgo di Chicago, Ernest Hemingway, autore del capolavoro de Il vecchio e...

    • Alice Figini
    • Hadley Richardson, Hemingway's First Wife
    • Pauline 'Fife' Pfeiffer, Hemingway's Second Wife
    • Martha Gellhorn, Hemingway's Third Wife
    • Mary Welsh, Hemingway's Fourth (and Final) Wife

    Born in 1891 in Missouri, Hadley Richardson was a gifted musician who spent most of her 20s taking care of her ailing mother. Her father, who had worked in the pharmaceutical industry, had committed suicide in 1903 — the same fate that would end Hemingway. When Richardson and Hemingway met at a party in Chicago in 1920, the two had instant chemistr...

    Born in 1895 in Iowa, Pauline "Fife" Pfeiffer was an accomplished journalist who wrote for Vogue in Paris. Unlike Richardson, Pfeiffer came from a very wealthy family and had a flair for fashion, sporting the latest trends while living in a chic Parisian flat off the Right Bank. As a "career girl" — a new concept at the time — Pfeiffer was ambitiou...

    Martha Gellhorn Perhaps the most career-oriented of Hemingway's wives was Martha Gellhorn. Born in 1908 in Missouri, Gellhorn was a novelist and war correspondent who covered every major international conflict in the six decades she worked as a journalist. Gellhorn had met Hemingway in Key West at his beloved Sloppy Joe's restaurant in 1936. Blonde...

    Born in 1908 in Minnesota, Mary Welsh was a journalist on assignment in London when she met Hemingway in 1944. Unlike Gellhorn, who carried herself with sophistication and was just as or even more ambitious than Hemingway, Welsh was considered bourgeoisie and quite content with letting her lover steal the limelight. Both were married to other peopl...

  5. 20 set 2023 · Martha Gellhorn ed Ernest Hemingway sono stati sposati per quattro anni, e si sono frequentati per dieci, una relazione che ha fatto del desiderio più romantico che può legare due scrittori,...

  6. 10 nov 2016 · Si tratta di un originale esempio di biografia romanzata, dove la vita di Ernest Hemingway ci viene raccontata attraverso il punto di vista delle sue quattro mogli, ognuna delle quali ha condiviso con lui una particolare fase della sua turbolenta esistenza.