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  1. Questa è una lista di stati dell'Europa in base alla popolazione. È ricavata dalla lista di Stati per popolazione globale, a sua volta derivante da Stime ONU.

    Popolazione Stima Onu
    Popolazione Altra Fonte
    145 996 764
    146 877 088 90 472 563 [3]
    84 422 510
    83 154 997 10 840 476 [3]
    83 000 000
    83 517 555
    Regno Unito (totale) • Regno Unito: 63 ...
    67 881 733
    66 435 550
  2. Sources - Cos'è la piramide della popolazione? - Parole chiave: demografia, piramide della popolazione, piramide dell'età, invecchiamento, pensionamento, Europa, 2022. Blog - Seguici su Twitter - Acquista un poster - Contact us by email

  3. Population change: this chapter contains data on births, deaths and the natural population change. This section also presents the number of children per woman, the mean age of women at birth of their first child as well as the share of live births to women over 40.

    • Live Births Decreasing
    • Number of Deaths Increasing
    • A Negative Natural Population Change in The EU Since 2012

    In the EU, the crude birth rate, showing the number of live births per 1 000 persons, was 10.2 in 2001, went up to 10.6 in 2008 and has decreased since then to 9.1 in 2021. Among the Member States, this pattern differed, with decreases in sixteen Member States and increases in ten during this period, while the rate remained unchanged in Bulgaria. I...

    The crude death rate (number of deaths per 1 000 persons) was 9.9 in 2001 in the EU, decreased to 9.7 in 2004 and 2006, and has since then been fluctuating to reach 10.4 in 2019, 11.6 in 2020 and 11.9 in 2021. In 22 Member States, there was an increase in the rate during this period and in five a decrease. In 2021, the highest crude death rates wer...

    As mentioned earlier, the population in the EU grew from 1 January 2001 until 1 January 2020, and then declined during the next two years. EU’s natural population change(difference between live births and deaths) has, however, been negative already since 2012. This is in large part due to the ageing population described earlier in this publication,...

    • 5 Rue Alphonse Weicker, Luxembourg, L-2721
  4. World Population Prospects: The 2022 Revision. (Medium-fertility variant). back to top ↑. Notes. The Europe Population (Live) counter shows a continuously updated estimate of the current population of Europe delivered by Worldometer's RTS algorithm, which processes data collected from the United Nations Population Division.

    Europe Population
  5. EU population growth resumed in 2022. On 1 January 2023, there were 448.8 million people living in the European Union (EU). The most populous EU country was Germany (84.4 million, 19% of the EU total), followed by France (68.2 million, 15%), Italy (59.0 million, 13%), Spain (48.1 million, 11%) and Poland (36.8 million, 8%).

  6. La popolazione dellUE sta invecchiando e questo è dimostrato da diversi indicatori statistici: l’aumento della quota della popolazione anziana, l’indice di dipendenza degli anziani e l’età