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  1. 7 mar 2018 · Fino al 60% dei bambini colpiti dalla sindrome di Tourette sviluppa anche il disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo (OCD). L'OCD è una malattia neuropsichiatrica persistente nel tempo (cronica) caratterizzata dalla presenza di pensieri ossessivi e di comportamenti irrefrenabili (compulsivi).

    • What Is OCD?
    • What Are Tics and Tourette’s Syndrome?
    • Tourette’s Syndrome
    • How Can I Tell If I Have OCD Or Tourette’s?
    • Are OCD and Tourette’s Often Misdiagnosed?
    • Can You Have Both OCD and Tourette’s?
    • Can Tourette’s Syndrome Be Treated?
    • How Is OCD Treated?

    OCD is a mental health condition affecting around 1 in 40 adults. It is characterized by two primary symptoms: obsessions and compulsions.


    Tics are sudden, involuntary (or extremely difficult to resist) movements or vocalizations that people perform repeatedly. As Dr. Farrell puts it, they are repetitive actions that, “from the sufferer’s point of view, are occurring beneath the level of conscious control.” Additionally, they most often occur in response to urges or an unpleasant inner tension. Tics come in multiple different forms, which include: Motor Tics Motor Tics involve bodily movements. Common examples include blinking,...

    A diagnosis of Tourette’s syndrome is made when an individual has been experiencing multiple motor tics and one or more vocal tics for at least one year. The condition must also have started before the age of 18.

    There are several simple questions you can answer to determine whether or not you have either OCD, Tourette’s syndrome, or another condition based on your symptomatology. #1: Do You Experience Obsessions? In the case of “pure” Tourette’s syndrome (not Tourettic OCD), there are no obsessions. So if you are experiencing obsessions, that’s a sign that...

    Dr. Farrell argues that while misdiagnosis is possible, it’s unlikely if you work with an experienced professional. Though both conditions involve repetitive behaviors, OCD and Tourette’s syndrome have clear distinguishing factors. Things might become a bit more challenging when separating Tourette’s from Tourettic OCD, but even then, there are cat...

    Yes, it is possible to have OCD and Tourette’s syndrome. In fact, it’s relatively common. According to the International OCD Foundation (IOCD), Up to 60% of individuals with Tourette’s syndrome also report OCD symptoms. This overlap between symptoms suggests that the disorders may share some underlying causes. Researchers have foundthat both condit...

    Several therapeutic techniques are effective in treating Tourette’s Syndrome. One of the more common treatments is habit reversal training (HRT), designed to assist individuals with unwanted repetitive behaviors or habits. The treatment helps patients spot the buildup of tension that can lead to a tic and learn to replace tics with healthier respon...

    OCD is treated with either therapy, medication, or both. ERP therapyis the most popular and effective option. Here, patients work with their therapist to trigger a fear or obsession (e.g., by touching something dirty) without engaging in their usual compulsion or avoidance response (e.g., repeatedly washing their hands). Over time, preventing compu...

  2. 27 lug 2022 · Over the last 10–15 years, there has been increasing awareness of the overlapping neurocircuitry of tics and OCD and the existence of an intermediate phenotype, known as Tourettic OCD (TOCD), in which symptoms are influenced by features of both OCD and TS and differ from either disorder alone .

    • 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.929526
    • 2022
    • Front Psychiatry. 2022; 13: 929526.
  3. OCD e Tourette. Testo scritto da Gianfranco Morciano, usando come riferimento il materiale della USA-OCD Foundation. Si tratta di un disturbo specifico ma spesso associato alla sindrome di Tourette, cosa che indicherebbe una qualche correlazione di tipo genetico, ma non certamente una precisa sovrapposizione (diversi sono infatti i ...

  4. La sindrome di Tourette (o sindrome di Gilles de la Tourette) è un disturbo neurologico che esordisce nell' infanzia scomparendo spesso durante l' adolescenza, caratterizzato dalla presenza di tic motori e fonatori incostanti, talvolta fugaci e altre volte cronici, la cui gravità può variare da estremamente lievi a invalidanti. [1] [2]

  5. Tourette Syndrome is diagnosed when multiple motor tics and one or more phonic tics are present during the course of the disorder. OCD can begin at any age, but most typically it begins in early adulthood in females and somewhat earlier in males.

  6. 11 apr 2022 · La Sindrome di Tourette (ST) è una malattia neuropsichiatrica comunemente nota come ‘la malattia dei mille tic’ in quanto i pazienti che ne sono affetti manifestano movimenti incontrollati accompagnati da suoni e vocalizzi involontari di varia complessità”, spiega il Prof. Porta.