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  1. Tajumulco (in lingua spagnola Volcán Tajumulco) è un grande stratovulcano, oggi in fase di quiescenza, e il più alto monte del Guatemala e dell' America Centrale. Nel suo punto più alto raggiunge i 4220 metri.

  2. Volcán Tajumulco is a large stratovolcano in the department of San Marcos in western Guatemala. It is the highest mountain in Central America at 4,203 metres (13,789 ft). It is part of the mountain range of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas, which begins in Mexico 's southernmost state of Chiapas. [1]

  3. Tajumulco is Guatemala's highest peak and the highest volcano in Central America. Two summits, one with a 50-70 m wide crater, lie along a NW-SE line. A lava flow from the ~4200-m-high NW summit traveled down a deep valley on the NW flank. The andesitic-dacitic volcano was constructed over the NW end of a large arcuate SW-facing escarpment of uncertain origin. Tajumulco has had several ...

  4. Tajumulco Volcano, mountain peak in southwestern Guatemala. The highest peak in Central America, Tajumulco rises essentially from sea level to an elevation of 13,845 feet (4,220 metres). The peak is part of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas, a mountain range that extends into Guatemala from Chiapas state.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  5. Il Volcán Tajumulco è la montagna più alta del Centroamerica, raggiunge i 4220m ma per via del clima non è mai presente neve. Il momento migliore per raggiungere la cima è il mattino presto quando solitamente il cielo è limpido, durante la giornata tendono a formarsi nuvole che spesso portano alla pioggia.

  6. Tajumulco es el volcán más alto de Guatemala, con una altura de 4.222 m s.n.m es el punto más elevado de Guatemala y América Central. Es el 24º volcán más prominente del mundo. Se considera extinto. Se localiza en el departamento de San Marcos, en el municipio de Tajumulco, en el Occidente del país.

  7. Overview. Tajumulco is the highest peak in both Guatemala and Central America. Like most of the rest of the high mountains in Guatemala, it too is a volcano. The volcano had its last small eruptions in 1821 and 1863 and has been quiet since. This is a spectacular climb, and has views of both Mexico and Guatemala.