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  1. › wiki › BogurodzicaBogurodzica - Wikipedia

    Bogurodzica o Bogarodzica ([bɔɡurɔˈd͡ʑit͡sa]; "Theotókos") è un inno medievale polacco, scritto presumibilmente tra il XIII e il XIV secolo. La prima testimonianza scritta risale al 1407, mentre nello Statuto di Łaski il componimento venne erroneamente attribuito a San Wojciech di Praga .

  2. › wiki › BogurodzicaBogurodzica - Wikipedia

    Bogurodzica (Polish pronunciation: [bɔɡurɔˈd͡ʑit͡sa], calque of the Greek term Theotokos), in English known as the Mother of God, is a medieval Catholic hymn composed sometime between the 10th and 13th centuries in Poland.

  3. Bogurodzica – średniowieczna polska pieśń religijna i najstarszy zachowany wraz z melodią polski tekst poetycki. Nie jest znana data powstania utworu, przyjmuje się, że nastąpiło to w XIII lub XIV wieku [2], chociaż pierwszy zapis tekstu pochodzi dopiero z początku XV wieku (rok 1407).

  4. Bogurodzica (The Mother of God) is the oldest song with Polish words. This hymn, with its title providing an exact translations of the Greek expression “Theotokos”, originated most probably in the 13th century, while its earliest extant sources date back to the 15th century.

  5. As the first poem composed in Polish, Bogurodzica has a firm place in Polish cultural history. The hymn is an instance of the most archaic form of the Polish language and an example of medieval, religious ‘high art’ music.

  6. Bogurodzica ( deutsch Gottesgebärerin) ist das älteste religiöse Lied und der älteste poetische Text der polnischen Sprache ( altpolnisch ). Das Marienlied wurde vermutlich im 13. Jahrhundert von einem unbekannten Komponisten geschrieben. Erstmals schriftlich gefasst wurde das Werk 1407, 1408 sowie 1409.

  7. Bogurodzica è uno dei primi canti nazionali della storia, ma soprattutto, è soprattutto un canto religioso mariano. È stato scritto tra il XI ° e XIII ° secolo ed è dedicata alla Vergine Maria. Il suo titolo significa "Madre di Dio" in francese.