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  1. Castile and León is an autonomous community in northwestern Spain. It was created in 1983 by the merging of the provinces of the historic region of León: León, Zamora and Salamanca with those of Old Castile (Castilla la Vieja): Ávila, Burgos, Palencia, Segovia, Soria and Valladolid.

    • Kingdom of León

      The Kingdom of León coexisted as a personal union under the...

  2. La Castiglia e León (in spagnolo Castilla y León; in leonese Castiella y Llión) è una comunità autonoma della Spagna istituita il 2 marzo 1983. Si compone dell'unione di due antichi reami: il Regno di Castiglia (Vecchia Castiglia) e il Regno di León.

  3. The Kingdoms of Castile and of León, with their southern acquisitions, came to be known collectively as the Crown of Castile, a term that also came to encompass overseas expansion.

  4. León y Castilla se siguieron expandiendo hacia el sur, incluso más allá del Duero con su finalidad de lucha y reconquista contra el islam. Estamos en la plena Edad Media y los cantares de gesta narran las grandes hazañas de los nobles cristianos que luchaban contra el enemigo musulmán.

  5. The Kingdom of León coexisted as a personal union under the Crown of Castile, with León possessing separate institutions, such as its own cortes, the Real Adelantamiento of the Kingdom of León, and the Merino mayor of León, among others, many of which lasted until the 19th century.

  6. Ferdinand I ( c. 1015 – 24 December [1] 1065), called the Great ( el Magno ), was the count of Castile from his uncle's death in 1029 and the king of León after defeating his brother-in-law in 1037. According to tradition, he was the first to have himself crowned Emperor of Spain (1056), and his heirs carried on the tradition.

  7. Castile-León, comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) and historic region of northwestern Spain, encompassing the provincias (provinces) of Valladolid, Burgos, León, Salamanca, Zamora, Palencia, Ávila, Soria, and Segovia. Its capital is the city of Valladolid.