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  1. 8 giu 2022 · La patch 12.11 è ufficialmente arrivata su League Of Legends, ed ha portato con sé tantissime modifiche importanti a campioni ed oggetti. Come vi abbiamo detto nella giornata di ieri, Riot ha voluto rimandare l’aggiornamento agli strumenti da letalità, per prendersi del tempo e capire come muoversi.

  2. 1 giu 2022 · La patch 12.11 sarà un aggiornamento enorme, che andrà a sistemare le cose dopo la 12.10 e la 12.10b che hanno cambiato il meta.

  3. 2 giu 2022 · La patch 12.11 andrà a rifinire il lavoro fatto durante la 12.10, che ha cambiato il volto di League Of Legends per come lo abbiamo conosciuto fino ad ora. Il prossimo aggiornamento avrà dimensioni enormi, ed i numeri mostrati da TheTruexy lo confermano.

  4. The purpose of this megathread is to consolidate links to posts about all new/updated content in the game and for general discussion of it as well. This megathread will be updated as the day goes on with links to posts users have made showcasing the new/updated content.

  5. Your patch notes (and patch jokes) will be missed! Read on to see if the true treasure of patch notes was the friends LP we made along the way. Speaking of stars, the TFT patch notes this week feature an update to Aurelion Sol, Double Up improvements, and more.

  6. 7 giu 2022 · LoL Patch 12.11 is here and that only can mean one thing: Bel'Veth has arrived. League of Legends finally has a brand new void monster champion for us to take a look at, along with a fairly hefty balance patch. Let's hop into it! Everything you need to know about Bel'Veth! Removed Changes from Patch 12.11.

  7. Classic riot of buffing the healing of several champions and an item while simultaneously massively nerfing grievous wounds(for the second time this season). There are big issues with too much sustain in the game right now as it is, and now healing loses its counter with this new patch.