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  1. The campus is home to the Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik ( Department of Microsystems Engineering) and the Department of Computer Science. With the addition of the Faculty of Engineering, the University of Freiburg became the first classical university to combine traditional disciplines with microsystems technologies.

  2. L' Università di Friburgo è un'istituzione accademica bilingue, in lingua francese e tedesca, con sede nella città svizzera di Friburgo . Indice. 1 Storia. 2 Facoltà. 3 Campus. 4 Curiosità. 5 Altri progetti. 6 Collegamenti esterni. Storia. Nel 1889, l'università friburghese fu fondata come unica università di orientamento cattolico in Svizzera.

  3. The roots of the university can be traced back to 1580, when the notable Jesuit Peter Canisius founded the Collège Saint-Michel in the City of Fribourg. [3] In 1763, an academy of law was founded by the state of Fribourg which formed the nucleus of the present law faculty. [4] The University of Fribourg was finally created in 1889 by an Act of the parliament of the Swiss Canton of Fribourg ...

  4. L' Università di Friburgo in Brisgovia (in tedesco: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) è un'università pubblica della Germania, della città di Friburgo in Brisgovia, in Baden, fondata nel XV secolo e chiamata Università Albertina, dal nome del suo fondatore Alberto VI d'Asburgo.

  5. Founded in 1457, the Uni­ver­sity of Freiburg is sit­u­ated in the heart of the city. As one of the ten best uni­ver­si­ties in Ger­many, of­fer­ing a full spec­trum of dis­ci­plines at eleven fac­ul­ties, we have at­tained many dis­tinc­tions for our out­stand­ing re­search and teach­ing in na­tion­wide com­pe­ti­tions.

    • universidad friburgo wikipedia1
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  6. La Universidad de Friburgo es la quinta universidad más antigua de Alemania, con una larga tradición en la enseñanza de ciencias humanas, ciencias sociales y ciencias naturales y goza de una alta reputación académica tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.

  7. The University of Fribourg is a place where learning, research, employment and events all happen at the same time. Its innovative force makes it an important mover in the commercial and cultural life of the region.