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  1. The South West Peninsula is the area of England between the Bristol Channel to the north and the English Channel to the south. It is part of the South West region of England, and includes the counties of Cornwall, Devon, and (depending on its precise definition) all or part of the counties of Somerset and Dorset .

  2. La penisola sudoccidentale (in inglese South West Peninsula), o penisola di Cornovaglia, è un'ampia penisola che copre l'estremità sudoccidentale dell'isola di Gran Bretagna. È delimitata a sud dal Canale della Manica, a ovest dal Mare Celtico e a nord dal Canale di Bristol. È la più ampia penisola della Gran Bretagna.

  3. Contents. South West. region, England, United Kingdom. Learn about this topic in these articles: geographic divisions. In England: The South West. The South West contains the last Celtic stronghold in England, Cornwall, where a Celtic language was spoken until the 18th century.