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  1. Il bubblegum (conosciuto anche come bubblegum pop, bubblegum rock, bubblegum music o youth music) è un genere musicale nato negli Stati Uniti nella seconda metà degli anni '60 sottogenere del garage rock che unisce pop e rock indirizzato ai teenager o ai bambini e destinato al consumo di massa.

  2. Bubblegum (also called bubblegum pop) is pop music in a catchy and upbeat style that is marketed for children and adolescents. The term also refers to a more specific rock and pop subgenre, [14] originating in the United States in the late 1960s, that evolved from garage rock , novelty songs , and the Brill Building sound , and which ...

  3. Bubblegum pop is a subgenre of pop music that emerged in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It is characterized by its upbeat, catchy melodies, simple lyrics, and use of electronic instruments. The genre often features vocal harmonies and is aimed at a younger audience.

  4. 7 feb 2013 · Bubblegum Pop ( oppure Bubblegum Rock, oppure Bubblegum Music) è un genere di musica popolare con un suono facile facile e da giovani ottimisti, del tipo affettato ed introdotto sul mercato per fare appello ai pre-adolescenti ed adolescenti, onde produrre un processo ed anche una linea guida di riunione, guidato da alcuni produttori ...

  5. Questa categoria raggruppa voci su gruppi musicali bubblegum pop. Categorie correlate:

  6. 2 apr 2019 · The sub-genre of pop music originally known as "bubblegum" pop music is one of the very few dominated by a specific production team: in this case, Super K Productions, the team of Jerry Kasenetz and Jeffrey Katz, who scored the majority of bubblegum's biggest hits in the late '60s.

  7. 25 ott 2021 · Bubblegum pop delivered catchy, upbeat songs for young audiences in the late ‘60s and beyond. Learn about its history, unique performers, and creators here.