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  1. › wiki › 13241324 - Wikipedia

    Il 1324 (MCCCXXIV in numeri romani) è un anno bisestile del XIV secolo . Indice. 1 Eventi. 2 Nati. 3 Morti. 4 Calendario. 5 Altri progetti. Eventi. Marsilio da Padova pubblica il Defensor pacis.

    • Morti nel 1324

      Morti nel 1324. Voce principale: 1324. Questa pagina...

  2. › wiki › 13241324 - Wikipedia

    • January – March
    • April – June
    • July – September
    • October – December
    • By Place
    • By Topic
    January 3 – The Taiding Era begins in China three months after Borjigin Yesün Temürascends the throne.
    January 23 – England's envoy to France, Ralph Basset, and Raymond-Bernard de Montpezat, decline to obey an order to appear before King Charles IV to answer for the October 16 burning of Saint-Sardo...
    February 7 – Siege of Villa di Chiesa: Aragonese forces led by Prince Alfonso the Kind capture the city of Villa di Chiesa due to attrition. The Pisan garrison surrenders after an 8-month siege. It...
    February 29 – Battle of Lucocisterna: Aragonese forces led by Prince Alfonso defeat a Pisan army, which is disembarked near the area of Capoterra. During the battle, Alfonso loses some 150 knights....
    April 15 – The coronation of King Hugh IV of Cyprus, nephew of the late King Henry II, takes place at the Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Nicosia.
    April 20 – Boleslaw III, Duke of Wroclaw, declares his Polish duchy to be a vassal of the Holy Roman Empire as part of a defense agreement made with Ludwig the Bavarian, King of Germany.
    May 3 – France's Consistori del Gay Saber holds its first annual contest to determine the best poet in the Kingdom. Arnaut Vidal de Castelnou d'Ari wins the first prize, the violeta d'aur. The cont...
    May 22 – King Ludwig the Bavarian comes to the defense of the Spiritual Franciscans, delivering a sharp criticism of Pope John XXII, whom Ludwig describes as a heretic.
    July 5 – A royal wedding takes place in France as King Charles IV marries his cousin Joan of Évreux, the 14-year-old daughter of his uncle, Louis, Count of Évreux.
    July 11 – Pope John XXII declares that Ludwig the Bavarian will be deposed as King of the Germansbecause of his March 23 excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church. King Ludwig continues his re...
    July 19 – (26 Rajab 724 AH) Mansa Musa, the extraordinarily-wealthy Emperor of Africa's Mali Empire, arrives in Cairo after three days of camping by the pyramids of Giza, and brings with him a larg...
    July 26 – Basarab I, ruler of Wallachia (now part of Romania) is designated by King Károly Róbertof Hungary as a subject of the Hungarian crown.
    October 7 – (Genko 4, 19th day of 9th month) The Shōchū Incident, the plan by Japan's Emperor Go-Daigo to overthrow the Kamakura shogunate, is discovered by the shogun's security police, the Rokuha...
    October 18 – (28 Shawwal 724 AH) After he and his entourage of Muslim pilgrims have stayed in Cairo for three months, the Emperor Mansa Musa of Africa's Mali Empire resumes the group's pilgrimage t...
    November 3 – At Kilkenny in Ireland, Petronilla de Meath, the maidservant of Dame Alice Kyteler, becomes the first person in the British Isles to be burned at the stake as a witch. Dame Alice had b...
    November 10 – Pope John XXII issues the papal bull Quia quorundam, his third major statement concerning apostolic poverty and the Fraticelli, in response to a claim that an earlier bull by Pope Nic...

    Asia Minor

    1. Ottoman Sultan Osman I dies after a 25-year reign at Bursa. He is the founder of the Ottoman Empire (first known as a Turkmen principality in the northwest of Anatolia). He is succeeded by his 43-year-old son Orhan I as the second ruler (bey), who places his residence at Söğüt in Bilecik Province(approximate date).


    1. Marsilius of Padua writes Defensor pacis("The Defender of Peace"), a theological treatise arguing against the power of the clergy and in favor of a secular state.


    1. William of Ockham, English Franciscan friar and philosopher, is summoned by John XXII to the papal court at Avignonand imprisoned.

  3. › wiki › 13241324 – Wikipedia

    Politik und Weltgeschehen. Konflikt zwischen König und Papst. 23. März: Papst Johannes XXII. verhängt den Bann über König Ludwig IV., den Bayern. 22. Mai: In der Sachsenhausener Appellation Ludwigs IV. wird die Einmischung des Papstes in politische Angelegenheiten zurückgewiesen. 11.

  4. Il 29 febbraio 1324, con la sconfitta dei pisani a Lucocisterna, i catalano-aragonesi si impossessarono dei loro territori dando vita al Regno di Sardegna e Corsica. Il regno di Arborea fu quello che oppose una fiera resistenza e aspre furono le guerre che i regnicoli sostennero per unificare l'isola.

  5. La battaglia di Lucocisterna (o Lutocisterna) - ( Cagliari, attuale via del Fangario) - fu combattuta il 29 febbraio 1324 tra l'esercito catalano-aragonese al comando dell' Infante Alfonso IV di Aragona, figlio allora ventiquattrenne del re Giacomo II di Aragona e l'esercito della Repubblica di Pisa guidato da Manfredi della Gherardesca, conte d...

  6. La battaglia di Vaprio d'Adda fu una battaglia della guerra tra guelfi e ghibellini, avvenuta il 28 febbraio 1324.