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  1. Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon PC JP (18 February 1609 – 9 December 1674), was an English statesman, lawyer, diplomat and historian who served as chief advisor to Charles I during the First English Civil War, and Lord Chancellor to Charles II from 1660 to 1667.

  2. Edward Hyde, primo conte di Clarendon, è stato uno storico e politico inglese, nonno delle regine d'Inghilterra Maria II e Anna.

  3. Edward Hyde, 1st earl of Clarendon (born Feb. 18, 1609, Dinton, Wiltshire, Eng.—died Dec. 9, 1674, Rouen, Fr.) was an English statesman and historian, minister to Charles I and Charles II and author of the History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England.

  4. Edward Hyde began his career as a lawyer and an MP, and became one of the closest advisers of both Charles I, during the period 1641-5, and then of Charles II during his exile before the restoration of the monarchy in 1660.

  5. Uomo politico inglese, nato a Dinton (Wiltshire) il 18 febbraio 1609, morto a Rouen il 9 dicembre 1674. Compiuti gli studî a Oxford, nel 1633 entrò nella carriera forense, poi in quella amministrativa. Nel 1640 sedeva nel parlamento come rappresentante di Wooden Basset, e divenne uno dei capi dell'opposizione.