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  1. › wiki › ViennaVienna - Wikipedia

    Vienna (in tedesco Wien, /vi:n/, in austro-bavarese Wean, in ungherese Bécs, in sloveno Dunaj) è la capitale dell'Austria e allo stesso tempo uno dei suoi nove Stati federati, completamente circondato dalla Bassa Austria, è il sesto comune per abitanti dell'Unione europea.

  2. Vienna, the capital city of Austria, is home to around 1.757 million people within its city confines - making it the largest city in Austria and the 7th largest in the EU. This number is set to rise slightly to 1.767 by the end of 2014.

  3. Chart and table of population level and growth rate for the Vienna, Austria metro area from 1950 to 2024. United Nations population projections are also included through the year 2035. The current metro area population of Vienna in 2024 is 1,990,000, a 0.76% increase from 2023.

  4. The population of the City of Vienna (Wien) according to census results and latest official estimates. The icon links to further information about a selected place including its population structure (gender, age groups, age distribution, citizenship, country of birth). Source: Statistik Austria.

  5. Wien (Wien, Austria) with population statistics, charts, map, location, weather and web information.

  6. Find out the population, foreign citizens, residents with migration background, natural change, live births, deaths, net migration, naturalisation and life expectancy of Vienna in 2019. The data is based on official statistics from Statistics Austria and calculated by the Municipal Department.

  7. According to Vienna's current small-scale projection 2023, the total population of Vienna will increase by 310,000 people (+15.6 percent) during the period 2023 to 2053. The number of residents in the city will amount to 2,292,000 in 2053.