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  1. The University of Ljubljana (Slovene: Univerza v Ljubljani, pronounced [uniʋɛ́ːɾza w ljubljàːni], Latin: Universitas Labacensis), abbreviated UL, is the oldest and largest university in Slovenia.

  2. L'Università di Lubiana è la prima e più grande università della Slovenia, con circa 37.874 studenti. Fondata nel 1919, conta attualmente 26 facoltà, 3 accademie d'arte ed un collegio con un totale di circa 6.093 impiegati. Si affaccia presso piazza del Congresso.

  3. University of Ljubljana. Bachelor's and single cycle master's study; Master's study; Doctoral Study; Lifelong learning and micro-credentials

  4. Študenti so organizirani v krovno Študentsko organizacijo Univerze v Ljubljani. Na različnih mednarodnih lestvicah, ki rangirajo univerze po akademskih in znanstvenih dosežkih, se ljubljanska univerza običajno uvršča med 600 najboljših univerz na svetu, kot najvišje uvrščena univerza v Sloveniji.

  5. The University of Ljubljana is the central and largest educational institution in Slovenia. It is also the central and largest research institution in Slovenia with 30 percent of all registered researchers (according to the data from the SICRIS database).

  6. The University of Ljubljana is the oldest and largest higher education and scientific research institution in Slovenia, founded in 1919.Today, it is attended by around 40,000 students and employs more than 6,000 teachers, researchers, assistants, and professional and administrative staff at 23 faculties and three art academies.

  7. Die Universität Ljubljana (slowenisch Univerza v Ljubljani, lateinisch Universitas Labacensis) in Ljubljana (Laibach) ist die älteste, größte und international am besten bewertete Universität in Slowenien.