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  1. Pauline Fourès dite la Bellilote, née Bellisle le 15 mars 1778 à Pamiers et morte le 18 mars 1869 à Paris 8 e, est une peintre, romancière, musicienne et écrivaine française. Elle est connue pour avoir été la maîtresse de Napoléon Bonaparte [1].

  2. Pauline Fourès (March 15, 1778 – March 18, 1869), born Pauline Bellisle, was a French painter and novelist best known for being a mistress of Napoleon Bonaparte .

  3. Pauline Foures, one of the longest surviving participants in Bonaparte's Egyptian adventure, led a colourful later life. She was a painter, a harp player, wrote two novels, startled the residents of Craponne by taking her small dog to Mass on Sundays and, in 1816 married an ex-guards officer and moved to Brazil to sell exotic wood to France.

  4. Pauline Fourès, nata Bellisle the 15 marzo 1778 a Pamiers, noto come la Bellilote, che morì 18 marzo 1869 a Parigi, è un pittore, romanziere, musicista e scrittore francese. È nota per essere stata l'amante di Napoleone Bonaparte.

  5. Pauline Fourès, née Marguerite-Pauline Bellisle, Napoleon’s lover Stendhal or real life? If we are to believe Frédéric Masson, then the truth of the life-story of Pauline Fourès is indeed stranger than fiction.

  6. 18 apr 2016 · En effet Pauline Fourès est née à Pamiers et sa vie rocambolesque l'a même conduite à être maîtresse de Bonaparte ! Née le 15 mars 1778 dans la cité appaméenne, elle est issue d'une ...

  7. 6 gen 2021 · Marguerite Pauline Bellisle Fourès, moglie di un tenente dei cacciatori a cavallo del Corpo di spedizione in Egitto, chiamata da Napoleone Bellilote. Per i soldati era invece invece «la Cleopatra di Napoleone»: i due, infatti, si conobbero a Il Cairo, durante la Campagna d’Egitto nell’agosto 1798.