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  1. 4 giorni fa · Portrait of Alessandro de' Medici. Giorgio Vasari (Arezzo 30 luglio 1511 – Firenze 27 giugno 1574) D14. Room of the Dynasties. When Lorenzo deMedici died, Florence entered a period of political instability spanning decades, in which opponents and supporters of the Medici disputed its leadership, taking turns at its helm until 1530. Then ...

  2. 4 giorni fa · Florence manufacturing The clothes in which Cosimo I was buried give us a rare and precious insight into the clothing of the sixteenth century. In 1983, the clothes arrived at the Costume Gallery as a bundle of shapeless fabrics and were painstakingly restored by internationally renowned experts over a ten-year period. While it was possible to reconstruct the doublet, his other items of ...

  3. › wiki › FlorenceFlorence - Wikipedia

    3 giorni fa · Catherine de' Medici married King Henry II of France and, after his death in 1559, reigned as regent in France. Marie de' Medici married Henry IV of France and gave birth to the future King Louis XIII. The Medici reigned as Grand Dukes of Tuscany, starting with Cosimo I de' Medici in 1569 and ending with the death of Gian Gastone de' Medici in ...

  4. 16 giu 2024 · Nel 1611, durante il granducato di Cosimo II de' Medici, fu deciso l'ampliamento delle strutture portuali, che erano state già sensibilmente potenziate sotto Ferdinando I de' Medici. I lavori portarono alla costruzione di un nuovo molo parallelo alla costa, che andò a chiudere un grande specchio d'acqua aperto verso nord.

  5. 6 giorni fa · Rinaldo degli Albizi ( o Albizzi) nacque a Firenze nel 1370 e, come Cosimo dei Medici (la cui storia potete leggere qui) ereditò il proprio ruolo dal padre, Maso degli Albizi. Rinaldo rappresentava l'Oligarchia fiorentina e vedeva di mal occhio il potere sempre crescente delle Arti Minore, della plebe e della famiglia Medici, ma i primi anni ...

  6. 4 giorni fa · Wife of Cosimo de' Medici, who after her death became Grand Duke, duchess and head of state in Florence, a politically powerful woman, the founder of the Boboli Gardens, but also an iconic beauty, Eleonora was a fashion innovator and trendsetter in her day, a passionate patron of the arts, a dazzling (if rare) example of female authority and charisma in the Renaissance.

  7. 4 giorni fa · View all notices. Artworks temporarily not on display. Unloanable masterpieces. Free admission: here are the dates! Boboli Gardens 29 June 2024: Annalena's entrance closes. History.