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  1. Fordham’s Rose Hill campus, in the north Bronx, is as idyllic as college campuses get: 85 acres featuring Gothic architecture and tree-lined walkways.

  2. 福坦莫大学由天主教纽约总教区于1841年创办,初名为圣约翰学院(St. Johns College)(与纽约市皇后区的圣约翰大学 St. Johns University无关),随后由耶稣会接手管理。1905年建立法学院,1907年更名为Fordham University,现由非教会人士管理。

  3. 9 set 2024 · At Fordham, you’ll receive a rigorous education in one of the world’s greatest cities—an undergraduate education that will sharpen your talents, widen your vision, and prepare you to embrace and create change. Here is a snapshot of our admission process, our student profile, and a look at what ...

  4. 29 gen 2023 · Fordham University Statement of Funding or CSS Profile . Fordham University has a need-aware admission process for first-year applicants who plan to attend Fordham for the Fall term on a non-immigrant visa. Applicants who plan to fully fund their study at Fordham are required to complete the Fordham University Statement of Funding.

  5. 26 nov 2022 · Calculate your tuition and fees for the next academic year. Student Financial Services is ready to advise you on options to finance your Fordham education.

  6. Ardmore Language Schools is not affiliated with Fordham University. Although programs are scheduled to occur on the campus of Fordham University, the use of University facilities and/or property does not constitute or imply the endorsement or support of Language Schools by Fordham University.

  7. Statue of John Hughes, founder of Fordham University, at the Rose Hill campus; the statue was presented on June 24, 1891. [1]The history of Fordham University spans over 175 years, from the university's beginnings as St. John's College in 1841, to its establishment as Fordham University, and to its clerical independence in the mid-twentieth century.